Restore feature: don't collapse the current combat target

cwyss 2020-01-02 00:07:37 +01:00
parent 830b9e57be
commit a0580ff07d
1 changed files with 20 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1467,7 +1467,8 @@ bool first_body_is_more_important_than(Body *body, Body *other)
* Function: GetProjectedBodiesGrouped
* Returns all bodies visible on screen, grouped into clusters of bodies
* which are close together on screen.
* which are close together on screen. The current combat target is always
* kept in its own seperate group.
* > groups = Engine.pigui.GetProjectedBodiesGrouped(collapse, ship_max_distance)
@ -1536,23 +1537,28 @@ static int l_pigui_get_projected_bodies_grouped(lua_State *l)
std::vector<GroupInfo> groups;
const Body *nav_target = Pi::game->GetPlayer()->GetNavTarget();
const Body *combat_target = Pi::game->GetPlayer()->GetCombatTarget();
for (TScreenSpace &obj : filtered) {
bool inserted = false;
for (GroupInfo &group : groups) {
if ((std::abs(group.m_centreCoords.x - obj._screenPosition.x) <= gap.x) &&
(std::abs(group.m_centreCoords.y - obj._screenPosition.y) <= gap.y)) {
// body inside group boundaries: insert into group
if (obj._body == nav_target)
group.m_hasNavTarget = true;
// recalc centre
group.m_worldCoordSum += obj._body->GetPositionRelTo(Pi::player);
vector3d centre = group.m_worldCoordSum / static_cast<double>(group.m_bodies.size());
group.m_centreCoords = lua_world_space_to_screen_space(centre)._screenPosition;
inserted = true;
// never collapse combat target
if (obj._body != combat_target) {
for (GroupInfo &group : groups) {
if ((std::abs(group.m_centreCoords.x - obj._screenPosition.x) <= gap.x) &&
(std::abs(group.m_centreCoords.y - obj._screenPosition.y) <= gap.y)) {
// body inside group boundaries: insert into group
if (obj._body == nav_target)
group.m_hasNavTarget = true;
// recalc centre
group.m_worldCoordSum += obj._body->GetPositionRelTo(Pi::player);
vector3d centre = group.m_worldCoordSum / static_cast<double>(group.m_bodies.size());
group.m_centreCoords = lua_world_space_to_screen_space(centre)._screenPosition;
inserted = true;
if (!inserted) {