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Table of Contents
1 How to compile Pioneer
1.1 Linux - CMake
1.2 Windows - MSVC
1.3 Windows - CMake and MSYS2 (and MinGW-w64)
1.4 OS X - Homebrew
1.5 OS X - CMake and XCode
2 pioneer-thirdparty
2.1 Linux - Autotools
2.2 Windows - MSVC
2.3 Windows - Autotools (Linux cross-compile)
2.4 OSX
3 Building documentation
2015-03-30 10:13:11 -07:00
3.1 Lua API - Natural Docs
3.2 C++ source - Doxygen
4 Faster startup
4.1 precompile models
1 How to compile Pioneer
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
Pioneer is known to build on the following platforms and build systems:
Linux: CMake with GCC or Clang
2016-03-11 02:51:19 -08:00
Windows: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (Community or Pro)
2018-06-17 22:23:44 -07:00
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (Community or Pro)
CMake with MSYS2 (and MinGW-w64)
OS X: XCode 4 or Homebrew or CMake
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
There is an additional repository called pioneer-thirdparty that contains
various files that may assist with building. If the instructions for your
platforms indicates you may need it, then read the section below for details.
If you're having trouble compiling, please ask in #pioneer on Most users are available to answer during CET daytime, but
questions are welcome anytime.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1.1 Linux - CMake
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1. Install the following libraries (with development headers) for your system.
If your system is not Debian/Ubuntu based, they may have different names.
2019-10-25 16:59:32 -07:00
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
libassimp-dev >= 3.2
If your platform doesn't have assimp 3.2, you'll need to build it from
2017-03-31 14:00:14 -07:00
source. It's available in pioneer-thirdparty, see below.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2. Run './bootstrap' to generate CMake build files in the 'build' folder.
For advanced users, this command passes any additional arguments to the
CMake process.
3. Run 'make -C build -jX', where X is the number of CPU cores you have. If in
doubt, 4 is a good default. This will compile the pioneer executable.
4. Run `./pioneer` to start the game!
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2019-06-25 13:02:03 -07:00
1.2 Windows - MSVC
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1. Get both the pioneer and the pioneer-thirdparty repositories and keep them
in a directory side by side. Don't rename pioneer-thirdparty because the
relative path to it is included in the project files.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2016-03-11 02:50:59 -08:00
2. Open the pioneer solution from /win32/vc2015/pioneer.sln
2018-06-17 22:23:44 -07:00
or /win32/vc2017/pioneer.sln according to your MSVC version.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
3. Build and run the project or solution. Note: the default is to build debug
version, which is what you want if developing, but release gives an executable
optimized for performance.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2019-06-25 13:02:03 -07:00
1.3 Windows - CMake and MSYS2 (and MinGW-w64)
1. Install MSYS2 (
2. Install MinGW-w64 from MSYS2. Use the mingw64 shell.
3. Install the dependencies (similar to dependencies of Linux) using the
'pacman' command. Note: you should install the dependencies from the
MinGW-w64 repository.
4. Additionally, install GLEW.
5. Goto the root directory of Pioneer, run 'mkdir build; cd build'. Then run
Alternatively, these command can be run using the ./bootstrap file with
additional arguments.
6. Compile Pioneer by running 'mingw32-make.exe'.
7. Now, you can go back to the root directory of Pioneer and do './build/pioneer.exe'
to play the game.
2019-06-25 13:02:03 -07:00
1.4 OS X - Homebrew
2015-09-04 17:23:41 -07:00
1. Install Homebrew package manager ( if you don't have one yet.
2. Build and install pioneer. Required dependencies will be installed together.
brew install homebrew/games/pioneer
Or you may want to tap homebrew-games first and then install.
brew tap homebrew/games
brew install pioneer
If you want master branch from GitHub, add '--HEAD' option.
brew install --HEAD pioneer
1.5 OS X - CMake and XCode
1. Install XCode (free download from Apple) as in the 'OS X Autotools'
2. Install required libraries, as in the 'OS X Autotools' instructions.
3. Install CMake, from, or via MacPorts.
4. Create a new directory for the build files. Use the CMake GUI to generate
an XCode project in the new directory.
5. Open the project in XCode and build 'pioneer'.
2 pioneer-thirdparty
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
The pioneer-thirdparty repository contains:
- source for dependencies that may be difficult to obtain or build
- pre-built dependencies for MSVC targets
To get it, clone git://
2.1 Linux - Autotools and CMake
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1. Clone the thirdparty repo to './pioneer-thirdparty' and 'cd' into it.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2. Run 'autoconf' to generate configuration files, then run './configure' to
configure the build.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
3. Run make <package> to compile and prepare the named package for use with
Pioneer, or just run make alone to build everything.
4. From the pioneer directory, run `./bootstrap thirdparty` to generate a CMake
configuration that builds with the thirdparty libraries.
5. Build pioneer as described in section 1.1.
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
2019-06-25 13:02:03 -07:00
2.2 Windows - MSVC
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1. After cloning the repo, move it to a folder called "pioneer-thirdparty"
alongside your "pioneer" folder.
2.3 Windows - Autotools (Linux cross-compile)
2012-12-11 22:09:11 -08:00
1. After cloning the repo, run autoconf to generate 'configure'.
2. Run ./configure --with-mxe=/path/to/mxe to configure the build.
3. Run make <package> to compile and prepare the named package for use with
Pioneer, or just run make alone to build everything.
2012-12-13 13:26:33 -08:00
2.4 OSX
2012-12-13 13:26:33 -08:00
- pioneer-thirdparty currently not required.
3 Building documentation
This section describes how to build html-documentation which is stored on disk
for the local pioneer source tree.
2015-03-30 10:13:11 -07:00
3.1 Lua API - Natural Docs
Pioneer is extensible through the Lua scripting language. It is used for
modules such as missions and BBS interaction. See the pioneer wiki for further
details. For up-to-date documentation one can build it locally from the
pioneer source
0. Install dependencies: naturaldocs (v 1.x)
1. Run make -C build codedoc
2. The html documentation can be found in the codedoc/ folder
3.2 C++ source - Doxygen
To build html-documentation of the pioneer C++ source, doxygen needs to be
installed, as well as the graphviz package, from where dot is used for
visualizing inheritance as graphs. To enable LaTeX output, set GENERATE_LATEX
= YES in the configuration file doxygen/Doxyfile. Same goes for xml, man, rtf.
0. Install dependencies: doxygen and graphviz
1. Run doxygen from the doxygen/ folder.
2. The html documentation will be available from doxygen/html/index.html
4 Faster startup
2019-06-25 13:02:03 -07:00
4.1 Precompile model files
Long startup times for pioneer this can be alleviated by precompiling all
models into *.sgm files. This uses the modelcompiler located in src/. From the
pioneer root directory the following will batch compile all models
1. ./src/modelcompiler -b inplace