
65 lines
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Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::DateMath;
# ABSTRACT: add/subtract days/weeks/months/years to/from a date
use DDG::Goodie;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::Dates';
use DateTime::Duration;
use Lingua::EN::Numericalize;
triggers any => qw( plus minus + - );
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'date_math';
primary_example_queries 'Jan 1 2012 plus 32 days';
secondary_example_queries '1/1/2012 plus 5 months', 'January first minus ten days';
description 'calculate the date with an offset';
name 'DateMath';
code_url '';
category 'time_sensitive';
topics 'everyday';
attribution github => ['', 'cj01101'];
my $datestring_regex = datestring_regex();
handle query_lc => sub {
my $query = $_;
return unless $query =~ qr!^($datestring_regex)\s+(plus|\+|\-|minus)\s+(\d+|[a-z\s-]+)\s+((?:day|week|month|year)s?)$!;
my ($input_date, $input_action, $input_number, $unit) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$input_date = parse_datestring_to_date($input_date);
$input_number = str2nbr($input_number);
# check/tweak other (non-date) input
my %action_map = (
plus => '+',
'+' => '+',
minus => '-',
'-' => '-',
my $action = $action_map{$input_action} || return;
my $number = $action eq '-' ? 0 - $input_number : $input_number;
$unit =~ s/s$//g;
my ($years, $months, $days, $weeks) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
$years = $number if $unit eq "year";
$months = $number if $unit eq "month";
$days = $number if $unit eq "day";
$days = 7*$number if $unit eq "week";
my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new(
years => $years,
months => $months,
days => $days
my $answer = $input_date->clone->add_duration($dur);
$unit .= 's' if $input_number > 1; # plural?
return date_output_string($input_date)." $input_action $input_number $unit is ".date_output_string($answer);