
52 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Cusip;
# ABSTRACT: Validate a CUSIP ID's check digit.
use DDG::Goodie;
use Business::CUSIP;
# metadata
name "CUSIP check";
description "Validates the check digit for a unique stock identifier based on the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures";
primary_example_queries "cusip 037833100";
secondary_example_queries "cusip check 38259P706", "844741108 cusip check";
category "finance";
topics "economy_and_finance";
code_url "";
attribution github => ["", 'tommytommytommy'];
triggers startend => "cusip", "check cusip", "cusip check";
zci answer_type => "cusip";
# magic number to identify the length of the CUSIP ID
handle remainder => sub {
# strip beginning and end whitespace from remainder
# capitalize all letters in the CUSIP
$_ = uc;
# check that the remainder is the correct length and
# only contains alphanumeric chars and *, @, and #
return if not m/^[A-Z0-9\*\@\#]{$CUSIPLENGTH}$/;
my $cusip = Business::CUSIP->new($_);
my ($output, $htmlOutput);
if ($cusip->is_valid) {
$output = html_enc($_)." is a properly formatted CUSIP number.";
$htmlOutput = "<div class='zci--cusip text--primary'>".html_enc($_)." is a properly formatted <span class='text--secondary'>CUSIP number.</span></div>";
} else {
$output = html_enc($_)." is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.";
$htmlOutput = "<div class='zci--cusip text--primary'>".html_enc($_)." is not a properly formatted <span class='text--secondary'>CUSIP number.</span></div>";
# output results
return $output, html => $htmlOutput;