131 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
131 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
package DDG::Goodie::BinaryLogic;
# ABSTRACT: bit-wise logical operations.
use DDG::Goodie;
use utf8;
use Marpa::R2;
# Regexp triggers are used to find cases where the logical symbol
# for 'not' is at the beginning of the query (e.g. the case '¬1')
triggers query_raw => qr/.*\s+(and|or|xor|⊕|∧|∨)\s+.*/;
triggers query_raw => qr/not\s+.*/;
triggers query_raw => qr/¬.*/;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => "binary_logic";
github => ['https://github.com/MithrandirAgain', 'MithrandirAgain'],
github => ['https://github.com/bpaschen', 'Bjoern Paschen'],
twitter => ['https://twitter.com/Prypjat', 'Bjoern Paschen'];
primary_example_queries '4 xor 5', '3 and 2', '1 or 1234';
'9489 xor 394 xor 9349 xor 39 xor 29 xor 4967 xor 3985',
'10 and 12',
'34 or 100',
'10 and (30 or 128)',
'0x01 or not 0X100';
description 'take two numbers and do bitwise logical operations (exclusive-or, or, and, not) on them';
code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/BinaryLogic.pm';
category 'calculations';
topics 'math';
my $rules = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR';
:default ::= action => ::first
:start ::= Expression
Expression ::= Term
Term ::=
('(') Term (')') assoc => group action => ::first
| Number
| 'not' Term action => do_not
|| Term 'xor' Term action => do_xor
| Term 'and' Term action => do_and
| Term 'or' Term action => do_or
Number ::=
HexNumber action => hex_number
| HexNumberCaps action => hex_number
| BinaryNumber action => binary_number
| BinaryNumberCaps action => binary_number
| DecimalNumber
HexNumber ~ '0x' HexDigits
HexNumberCaps ~ '0X' HexDigits
BinaryNumber ~ '0b' BinaryDigits
BinaryNumberCaps ~ '0B' BinaryDigits
HexDigits ~ [0-9A-Fa-f]+
BinaryDigits ~ [01]+
DecimalNumber ~ [0-9]+
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::hex_number {
my (undef, $t2) = @_;
return hex(lc($t2));
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::binary_number {
my (undef, $t2) = @_;
return oct(lc($t2));
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::do_and {
my (undef, $t1, undef, $t2) = @_;
return int($t1) & int($t2);
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::do_or {
my (undef, $t1, undef, $t2) = @_;
return int($t1) | int($t2);
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::do_xor {
my (undef, $t1, undef, $t2) = @_;
return int($t1) ^ int($t2);
sub BinaryLogic_Actions::do_not {
my (undef, undef, $t1) = @_;
return ~int($t1);
handle query_raw => sub {
my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({ source => \$rules });
my $recce = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({
grammar => $grammar,
semantics_package => 'BinaryLogic_Actions'
my $input = $_;
# Substitute the unicode characters. The parser does not seem to
# like unicode.
$input =~ s/⊕/ xor /;
$input =~ s/∧/ and /;
$input =~ s/∨/ or /;
$input =~ s/¬/ not /;
# using eval to catch possible errors with $@
eval { $recce->read( \$input ) };
return if ( $@ );
my $value_ref = $recce->value();
return if not defined $value_ref;
my $text_output = ${$value_ref};
my $html_output = "<div>Result: <b>" . ${$value_ref} . "</b></div>";
my $heading = "Binary Logic";
return answer => $text_output, html => $html_output, heading => $heading;