
38 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
zci answer_type => "magic_eight_ball";
zci is_cached => 0;
my $possibleAnswers = re(qr/(It is certain|It is decidedly so|Without a doubt|Yes, definitely|You may rely on it|As I see it, yes|Most likely|Outlook good|Yes|Signs point to yes|Reply hazy try again|Ask again later|Better not tell you now|Cannot predict now|Concentrate and ask again|Don't count on it|My reply is no|My sources say no|Outlook not so good|Very doubtful)/);
sub build_test {
my ($input) = @_;
return test_zci($possibleAnswers, structured_answer =>{
data => {
title => $possibleAnswers,
subtitle => "Magic eight ball's answer to: $input"
templates => {
group => 'text'
[qw( DDG::Goodie::MagicEightBall )],
'magic eight ball is it going to rain today' => build_test('is it going to rain today'),
'magic 8 ball should I wear red today?' => build_test('should I wear red today?'),
'magic eight-ball are you actually helpful' => build_test('are you actually helpful'),
'eight ball will this work?' => undef,
'magic 8ball Yes?' => undef,
'magic 8ball' => undef