
208 lines
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package DDG::GoodieRole::Parse::List;
# ABSTRACT: Parse and format lists.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use List::Util qw( all pairs );
use Data::Record;
use Regexp::Common;
my @supported_parens = (
'[' => ']',
'(' => ')',
'{' => '}',
sub is_conj {
return shift =~ qr/^$RE{list}{and}$/i;
sub get_separator {
my $text = shift;
my $comma_sep = qr/\s*,\s*/io;
return qr/(?:\s*,?\s*and\s*|$comma_sep)/io if is_conj($text);
return $comma_sep;
sub remove_parens {
my $text = shift;
foreach (pairs @supported_parens) {
my ($opening, $closing) = map { quotemeta $_ } @$_;
next unless $text =~ /^$RE{balanced}{-parens=>"$opening$closing"}$/;
$text =~ s/^$opening(.*?)$closing$/$1/;
return ($text, parens => [$opening, $closing]);
return $text;
sub trim_whitespace {
my $to_trim = shift;
$to_trim =~ s/^\s+//ro =~ s/\s+$//ro;
sub is_list {
my ($text, %options) = @_;
my $parens = join '', @{$options{parens}};
return $text =~ qr/^$RE{balanced}{-parens=>$parens}$/ ? 1 : 0;
sub verify_items {
my ($item_re, $nested, $items) = @_;
my @items = @$items;
return all { $_ =~ /^$item_re$/ } @items unless $nested;
return all {
ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'
? verify_items($item_re, $nested, $_)
: $_ =~ /^$item_re$/;
} @items;
sub join_with_last {
my ($join, $join_last, @items) = @_;
return '' unless @items;
my $last = @items <= 1
? $items[$#items] : $join_last . $items[$#items];
return join($join, @items[0..$#items-1]) . $last;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Moo::Role;
sub parse_list {
my ($list_text, %options) = @_;
return unless ($list_text // '') ne '';
my %defaults = (
item => qr/.*?\S/o,
nested => $options{item} ? 0 : 1,
%options = (%defaults, %options);
my $item = $options{item};
($list_text, my %parens) = remove_parens($list_text);
return [] if $list_text eq '';
my $sep = get_separator($list_text);
my $parens = join '', @{$parens{parens} // []};
my $record = Data::Record->new({
split => $sep,
unless => $options{nested} && $parens ? qr/(?:$RE{quoted}|$RE{balanced}{-parens=>$parens})/ : $RE{quoted},
my @items = map { trim_whitespace $_ } $record->records($list_text);
my $should_parse_nested = $options{nested} && %parens;
if ($should_parse_nested) {
@items = map {
is_list($_, %parens) ? parse_list($_, %options, %parens) : $_;
} @items;
return unless verify_items($item, $options{nested}, \@items);
return \@items;
sub format_list {
my ($items, %options) = @_;
my $parens = $options{parens} // '[]';
my $join = $options{join} // ', ';
my $join_last = $options{join_last} // $join;
my @parens = ref $parens eq 'ARRAY'
? @$parens : split '', $parens;
# In the case the user uses parens => '' we don't want to
# display *any* parentheses, so we need to have 'fake'
# parentheses.
@parens = ('', '') if "@parens" eq '';
my ($pl, $pr) = ($parens[0], $parens[$#parens]);
my @inner_parens = @parens > 2
? @parens[1..$#parens-1] : @parens;
my %inner_options = (
%options, parens => \@inner_parens,
my @formatted_items = map {
ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? format_list($_, %inner_options) : $_
} @$items;
return $pl . join_with_last(
$join, $join_last, @formatted_items
) . $pr;
=head1 NAME
DDG::GoodieRole::Parse::List - Utilities for working with lists in queries.
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::Parse::List';
my $list_text = '(1, 2, 3)';
my $list = parse_list($list_text);
# [1, 2, 3]
my $formatted = format_list($list, parens => '{}');
# {1, 2, 3}
This Role provides utilities for parsing, formatting, and working with lists
in queries.
=item C<parse_list>
Parse a list of items from a string.
=item C<item>
Regex each item must match. Default is C<.*?\S>
Items must I<fully> match (implied C<qr/^...$/>).
=item C<nested>
Boolean whether nested lists should be parsed;
default true. If C<item> is specified then it defaults to false.
=item C<format_list>
Format an ARRAY reference for text display.
=item C<parens>
Either a string in the form C<'()'> where C<'('> is the
opening parenthesis and C<')'> is the closing parenthesis or
an ARRAY in the form C<['(', ')']> with the same definitions.
=item C<join>
String to join items together with, default C<', '>.
=item C<join_last>
String to join last two items together with, defaults to the value of
=head1 AUTHOR
Ben Moon aka GuiltyDolphin E<lt>guiltydolphinE<64>gmail.comE<gt>