
30 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
zci answer_type => 'guid';
zci is_cached => 0;
my @answer = (re(qr/^([a-zA-Z]|\d){8}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){12}$/), structured_answer => { input =>[], operation => 'Random GUID', result =>re(qr/^([a-zA-Z]|\d){8}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){4}-([a-zA-Z]|\d){12}$/)});
ddg_goodie_test([qw( DDG::Goodie::GUID ) ],
# Check that the trigger kicks in.
'guid' => test_zci(@answer),
'uuid' => test_zci(@answer),
'globally unique identifier' => test_zci(@answer),
'rfc 4122' => test_zci(@answer),
'new guid' => test_zci(@answer),
'random uuid' => test_zci(@answer),
'generate new uuid' => test_zci(@answer),
'generate random uuid' => test_zci(@answer),
'uuid in ansi C' => undef,
'what is a guid' => undef,