
136 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::SunInfo;
# ABSTRACT: sunrise and sunset information for the client location
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::Dates';
use DateTime::Event::Sunrise;
use utf8;
zci answer_type => "sun_info";
zci is_cached => 0;
triggers startend => 'sunrise', 'sunset', 'what time is sunset', 'what time is sunrise';
my $time_format = '%l:%M %p';
my $datestring_regex = datestring_regex();
my $goodieVersion = $DDG::GoodieBundle::OpenSourceDuckDuckGo::VERSION // 999;
my $lat_lon_regex = qr/[\+\-]?[0-9]+(?:
handle remainder => sub {
my $remainder = shift // '';
$remainder =~ s/\?//g; # Strip question marks.
return unless $remainder =~ qr/^
my ($lat, $lon, $tz) = ($loc->latitude, $loc->longitude, $loc->time_zone);
my $where = where_string();
return unless (($lat || $lon) && $tz && $where); # We'll need a real location and time zone.
my $dt = DateTime->now;;
$dt = parse_datestring_to_date($+{'when'}) if($+{'when'});
return unless $dt; # Also going to need to know which day.
$dt->set_time_zone($tz) unless ($+{'lat'} && $+{'lon'});
$lon = parse_arc($+{'lon'}) if ($+{'lon'});
$lat = parse_arc($+{'lat'}) if ($+{'lat'});
$where = "Coordinates ${lat}°N ${lon}°E" if($+{'lat'} && $+{'lon'});
my $sun_at_loc = DateTime::Event::Sunrise->new(
longitude => $lon,
latitude => $lat,
precise => 1, # Slower but more precise.
silent => 1, # Don't fill up STDERR with noise, if we have trouble.
# We don't care for which one they asked, we compute both sunrise and sunset
my $sunrise = $sun_at_loc->sunrise_datetime($dt)->strftime($time_format);
my $sunset = $sun_at_loc->sunset_datetime($dt)->strftime($time_format);
return pretty_output($where, date_output_string($dt), $sunrise, $sunset);
sub where_string {
my @where_bits;
if (my $city = $loc->city) {
# If we have the city we can abbrev the region or country, if avail.
# - Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
@where_bits = ($city, $loc->region_name || $loc->country_code3);
} elsif (my $region_name = $loc->region_name) {
# No city, but a region name; abbreviate the country or continent
# - Pennsylvania, USA
@where_bits = ($region_name, $loc->country_code3 || $loc->continent_code);
} elsif (my $country = $loc->country_name) {
# Country and continent, then, I guess.
# United States, NA
@where_bits = ($loc->country_name, $loc->continent_code);
return join(', ', @where_bits);
sub parse_arc {
my ($arc_string) = @_;
return unless $arc_string =~ qr/
my $decimal_degrees = $+{'deg'};
$decimal_degrees += $+{'dec_deg'} if $+{'dec_deg'};
$decimal_degrees += $+{'min'}/60 if $+{'min'};
$decimal_degrees += $+{'sec'}/3600 if $+{'sec'};
$decimal_degrees *= -1 if $+{'sign'} && $+{'sign'} eq '-' || $+{'dir'} =~ /[SW]/;
return $decimal_degrees;
sub pretty_output {
my ($where, $when, $rise, $set) = @_;
$rise =~ s/^\s+//g; # strftime puts a space in front for single-digits.
$set =~ s/^\s+//g;
my $text = "On $when, sunrise in $where is at $rise; sunset at $set";
return $text,
structured_answer => {
data => {
where => $where,
when_data => $when,
sunrise_svg => "/share/goodie/sun_info/$goodieVersion/sunrise.svg",
rise => $rise,
sunset_svg => "/share/goodie/sun_info/$goodieVersion/sunset.svg",
set_data => $set
templates => {
group => 'text',
item => 0,
options => {
title_content => 'DDH.sun_info.title',
content => 'DDH.sun_info.content'