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package DDG::Goodie::Rc4;
# ABSTRACT: This goddie provides a simple encription/decryption service
# using RC4 algorithm and a key provided by the user.
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::RC4;
use MIME::Base64;
zci answer_type => "rc4";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "";
description "Encrypt or decrypt a text using a key provided by the user";
primary_example_queries "rc4 en mysecretkey hello", "rc4 de duck yWrJniG/nNg=";
category "computing_tools";
topics "cryptography";
code_url "";
attribution github => ["", "puskin94"],
github => ["diegojuan", "JD"],
web => "";
# Triggers
triggers startend => "rc4";
# Handle statement
handle remainder => sub {
(my $type, my $key, my $plaintext) = split / /;
my $operation;
my $result;
return unless $type && $key && $plaintext;
if ($type =~ m/^en(c|crypt)?$/) {
# To encrypt we receive the plaintext as is and pass it to the RC4 function.
my $encrypted = RC4($key, $plaintext);
# To avoid problems with non printable characters, we transform the result using encode_base64()
$result = encode_base64($encrypted);
chomp $result;
$operation = "RC4 Encrypt";
} elsif ($type =~ m/^de(c|crypt)?$/) {
#To decrypt we do the reverse process, we take the plaintext, transform it using decode_base64()
my $decoded = decode_base64($plaintext);
# Then we pass it to the RC4 funcion to be decrypted.
$result = RC4($key, $decoded);
# No need to encode again, this result is show as is.
$operation = "RC4 Decrypt";
} else {
return "$operation: $plaintext, with key: $key is $result",
structured_answer => {
operation => $operation,
input => [html_enc($plaintext) . ", Key: $key"],
result => $result