
72 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::MacAddress;
# ABSTRACT: Vendor information lookup for MAC addresses
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
zci answer_type => "mac_address";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "MacAddress";
description "Looks up the vendor associated with a MAC address by its OUI.";
primary_example_queries "mac address 14:D6:4D:DA:79:6A",
"mac address 2c-41-38-13-48-d2",
"mac address 3cb8.7a94.f542.e377";
secondary_example_queries "ethernet address 00/00-03.ff:ff:FF";
category "computing_info";
topics "sysadmin";
code_url "";
attribution web => ["", "Mak Kolybabi"],
github => ["", "Mogigoma"],
twitter => ["", "Mogigoma"];
triggers startend => "mac address", "ethernet address";
my %oui_db = map { chomp; my (@f) = split(/\\n/, $_, 2); ($f[0] => $f[1]); } share("oui_database.txt")->slurp;
sub fmt_mac {
my $mac = shift;
$mac = lc($mac);
$mac =~ s/..\K(?=.)/:/g;
handle remainder => sub {
return unless $_;
return unless $_ =~ m|^[-.:/ 0-9a-f]+$|i;
$_ =~ s/[^0-9a-fA-F]//g;
return unless (length($_) == 12 || length($_) == 16);
my ($oui) = uc(substr($_, 0, 6));
my ($info) = $oui_db{$oui};
return unless $info;
my (@vendor) = split(/\\n/, $info, 2);
my ($name, $addr) = map { html_enc($_); } @vendor;
$addr = "No associated address" unless defined $addr;
# If the info is all capitals, then try to add in some best guesses for
# capitalization to make it more readable.
# Decide whether to do this replacement per-line, since there are often
# errant unformatted lines amongst formatted ones.
my (@lines) = split(/\\n/, $info);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line !~ m/[a-z]/) {
$line =~ s/(\w+)/ucfirst(lc($1))/eg;
my ($result) = join("", map { "<p class=\"macaddress\">$_</p>"; } @lines);
$result =~ s/class="macaddress"/class="macaddress title"/;
return "The OUI, " . fmt_mac($oui) . ", for this NIC is assigned to " . $name,
structured_answer => {
input => [fmt_mac($_)],
operation => "MAC Address",
result => $result