
327 lines
8.2 KiB

"id": "knitting_pattern_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Knitting Pattern",
"description": "Knitting pattern abbreviations",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Craft Yarn Council",
"sourceUrl": ""
"template_type": "reference",
"section_order": [
"Abbreviations (A-I)",
"Abbreviations (K-R)",
"Abbreviations (S-Z)",
"sections": {
"Symbols": [
"val": "Work instructions within brackets as many times as directed",
"key": "[]"
"val": "Work instructions within parentheses in the place directed",
"key": "()"
"val": "Repeat instructions following the asterisks as directed",
"key": "**"
"val": "Inch(es)",
"key": "\""
"val": "Repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed",
"key": "*"
"Abbreviations (A-I)": [
"val": "Alternate",
"key": "alt"
"val": "Approximately",
"key": "approx"
"val": "Begin, Beginning",
"key": "beg"
"val": "Between",
"key": "bet"
"val": "Bind off",
"key": "BO"
"val": "Color A",
"key": "CA"
"val": "Color B",
"key": "CB"
"val": "Contrasting color",
"key": "CC"
"val": "Centimeter",
"key": "cm"
"val": "Cable needle",
"key": "cn"
"val": "Cast on",
"key": "CO"
"val": "Continue",
"key": "cont"
"val": "Decrease, Decreases, Decreasing",
"key": "dec"
"val": "Double pointed needle(s)",
"key": "dpn"
"val": "Front loop(s)",
"key": "fl"
"val": "Follow, Follows, Following",
"key": "foll"
"val": "Gram",
"key": "g"
"val": "Increase, Increases, Increasing",
"key": "inc"
"Abbreviations (K-R)": [
"val": "Knit",
"key": "k"
"val": "Knit",
"key": "K"
"val": "Knit 2 stitches together",
"key": "k2tog"
"val": "Knitwise",
"key": "kwise"
"val": "Left hand",
"key": "LH"
"val": "Left twist",
"key": "LT"
"val": "Loop(s)",
"key": "lp(s)"
"val": "Meter(s)",
"key": "m"
"val": "Make one stitch",
"key": "M1"
"val": "Make on purl stitch",
"key": "M1 p-st"
"val": "Main color",
"key": "MC"
"val": "Millimeter(s)",
"key": "mm"
"val": "Ounce(s)",
"key": "oz"
"val": "Purl",
"key": "p"
"val": "Purl",
"key": "P"
"val": "Pattern(s)",
"key": "pat(s)"
"val": "Pattern(s)",
"key": "patt"
"val": "Place marker",
"key": "pm"
"val": "Popcorn",
"key": "pop"
"val": "Purl 2 stitches together",
"key": "p2tog"
"val": "Previous",
"key": "prev"
"val": "Pass slipped stitch over",
"key": "psso"
"val": "Purlwise",
"key": "pwise"
"val": "Remain, Remaining",
"key": "rem"
"val": "Repeat(s)",
"key": "rep"
"val": "Reverse stockinette stitch",
"key": "rev St st"
"val": "Right hand",
"key": "RH"
"val": "Round(s)",
"key": "rnd(s)"
"val": "Right side",
"key": "RS"
"Abbreviations (S-Z)": [
"val": "Skip",
"key": "sk"
"val": "Slip, Knit, Pass stitch over — one stitch decreased",
"key": "skp"
"val": "Slip 1, Knit 2 together, Pass slip stitch over the knit 2 together; 2 stitches have been decreased",
"key": "sk2p"
"val": "-slip 1, k2tog, pass the slipped stitch over (a double decrease)",
"key": "s2kp"
"val": "Slip",
"key": "sl"
"val": "Slip 1 knitwise",
"key": "sl1k"
"val": "Slip 1 purlwise",
"key": "sl1p"
"val": "Slip stitch(es)",
"key": "sl st"
"val": "Slip stitch (Canadian)",
"key": "ss"
"val": "Slip, Slip, Knit these 2 stitches together — a decrease",
"key": "ssk"
"val": "Slip, Slip, Slip, Knit 3 stitches together",
"key": "sssk"
"val": "Stitch(es)",
"key": "st(s)"
"val": "Stockinette stitch, Stocking stitch",
"key": "St st"
"val": "Through back loop",
"key": "tbl"
"val": "Together",
"key": "tog"
"val": "Wrong side",
"key": "WS"
"val": "With yarn in back",
"key": "wyib"
"val": "With yarn in front",
"key": "wyif"
"val": "Yard(s)",
"key": "yd(s)"
"val": "Yarn forward",
"key": "yfwd"
"val": "Yarn over",
"key": "yo"
"val": "Yarn around needle",
"key": "yrn"
"val": "Yarn over needle",
"key": "yon"