
53 lines
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Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::PaleoIngredientCheck;
# ABSTRACT: Indicates if a given food item is known to be safe or unsafe on the paleo diet.
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers startend => share('triggers.txt')->slurp;
zci answer_type => "paleo_ingredient_check";
zci is_cached => 1;
my @safe_array = share('safe.txt')->slurp;
my %safe_keywords = map { chomp; $_ => 1 } @safe_array;
my @unsafe_array = share('unsafe.txt')->slurp;
my %unsafe_keywords = map { chomp; $_ => 1 } @unsafe_array;
# p(%safe_keywords);
# warn($safe_keywords{"apple"});
handle remainder => sub {
return unless $_;
my $item = lc($_);
# Remove any preceding "is" or "are" text from the query.
$item =~ s/^(is|are)[\W]+//;
my $is_plural = substr($item, -1) eq "s";
my $itemAlt = $is_plural ? substr($item, 0, -1) : $item."s"; # pluralized or unpluralized form
my $result;
# warn "ITEM IS: $item";
# warn "ITEM ALT IS: $itemAlt";
if (exists $safe_keywords{$item} || exists $safe_keywords{$itemAlt}) {
$result = "Yes";
} elsif (exists $unsafe_keywords{$item} || exists $unsafe_keywords{$itemAlt}) {
$result = "No";
return unless $result; # ensure we have a result
return $result, structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $result,
subtitle => "Paleo Friendly: ".html_enc($item)
templates => {
group => 'text'