
92 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Latex;
# ABSTRACT: Show the Latex command for a keyword
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers startend => 'latex', 'tex';
zci answer_type => 'Latex';
zci is_cached => 1;
my %texCommands = (
#Math operators
"and" => ['Logical AND', '\land', '$A \land B$', ''],
"or" => ['Logical OR', '\lor', '$A \lor B$', ''],
"not" => ['Logical NOT', '\neg', '$\neg B$', ''],
"union" => ['Union', '\cup', '$A \cup B$', ''],
"intersection" => ['Intersection', '\cap', '$A \cap B$', ''],
"implication" => ['Implication', '\rightarrow', '$A \rightarrow B$', ''],
"iff" => ['If and Only If', '\leftrightarrow', '$A \leftrightarrow B$', ''],
"if and only if" => ['If and Only If', '\leftrightarrow', '$A \leftrightarrow B$', ''],
"subset" => ['Subset or Subset Equal', '\subset or \subseteq', '$A \subset B$', ''],
"less than or equal" => ['Logical Less Than or Equal', '\leq', '$A \leq B$', ''],
"less than" => ['Logical Less Than', '<' , '$A < B$', ''],
"<=" => ['Logical Less Than or Equal', '\leq', '$A \leq B$', ''],
"<" => ['Logical Less Than', '<' , '$A < B$', ''],
"greater than or equal" => ['Logical Greater Than or Equal', '\geq', '$A \geq B$', ''],
"greater than" => ['Logical Greater Than', '>' , '$A > B$', ''],
">=" => ['Logical Greater Than or Equal', '\geq', '$A \geq B$', ''],
">" => ['Logical Greater Than', '>' , '$A > B$', ''],
#math functions
"sum" => ['Summation', '\sum_{lower}^{upper}', '$\sum_{i=0}^{10} x^{2}$', ''],
"summation" => ['Summation', '\sum_{lower}^{upper}', '$\sum_{i=0}^{10} x^{2}$', ''],
"fraction" => ['Fraction', '\frac{numerator}{denominator}', '$\frac{A}{B}$', ''],
"limit" => ['Limit', '\lim{bound}', '$\lim{x \to +\infty} 2x^{2}$', ''],
"integral" => ['Integral', '\int_lowerbound^upperbound', '$\int_a^b f(x)dx$', ''],
"square root" => ['Square Root', '\sqrt[n][x]', '$\sqrt[n][x]$', ''],
#math symbols
"infinity" => ['Infinity', '\infty', '$\infty$', ''],
"dot" => ['Center Dots', '\cdot or \cdots', '$A+ \cdots +B$', ''],
"alpha" => ['Alpha', '\alpha', '$\alpha$', ''],
"delta" => ['Delta', '\delta (lowercase) or \Delta (uppercase)', '$\delta$', ''],
"zeta" => ['Zeta', '\zeta', '$\zeta$', ''],
"lambda" => ['Lambda', '\lambda (lowercase) or \Lambda (uppercase)', '$\lambda$', ''],
"xi" => ['Xi', '\xi (lowercase) or \Xi (uppercase)', '$\xi$', ''],
"sigma" => ['Sigma', '\sigma (lowercase) or \Sigma (uppercase)', '$\sigma$', ''],
"phi" => ['Phi', '\phi (lowercase) or \Phi (uppercase)', '$\phi$', ''],
"omega" => ['Omega', '\omega (lowercase) or \Omega (uppercase)', '$\omega$', ''],
"theta" => ['Theta', '\theta (lowercase) or \Theta (uppercase)', '$\theta$', ''],
"date" => ['Date', '\today', '\today', ''],
"new line" => ['Newline', '\\', 'text... \\', ''],
"subscript" => ['Subscript', '_{x}', '$H_{2}O$', ''],
"superscript" => ['Superscript', '^{x}', '$x^{2}$', ''],
"temperature" => ['Temperature', '^{\circ}', '$25^{circ}\mathrm{c}$', ''],
"temp" => ['Temperature', '^{\circ}', '$25^{circ}\mathrm{c}$', ''],
"line" => ['Horizontal Line', '\hrulefill', '\hrulefill', ''],
sub more_at {
return "<a href='$_[0]' class='zci__more-at--info'>More at Wikibooks</a>";
sub build_html {
# builds a string to display using the given $command
# and $usage
return "<div><span class='latex--key'>LaTeX command:</span> <pre class='latex--value'>$_[0]</pre></div><div><span class='latex--key'>Example:</span> <pre class='latex--value'>$_[1]</pre></div>" . more_at($_[2]);
handle remainder => sub {
my $key = lc $_; #set key to lower case
my $command = $texCommands{$key}[1]; #get tex command from hash
if($command) { #check to see if the key was in the table
my $heading = $texCommands{$key}[0];
my $usage = $texCommands{$key}[2];
my $more = $texCommands{$key}[3];
my $text = "LaTeX command: $command\nExample: $usage";
#build the html string to display
my $html = build_html($command, $usage, $more);
return $text, html => $html, heading => "$heading (LaTeX)";
return; #return if no key was found