
113 lines
4.3 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::HexToASCII;
# ABSTRACT: Returns the ASCII representaion of a given hexadecimal value. (If printbale of course).
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
# Used to restrict long generated outputs
use constant MAX_INPUT_CHARS => 128;
triggers startend => 'ascii', 'hex to ascii';
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'ascii';
handle remainder => sub {
my $value = $_;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$value =~ s/ (?:to|as|in)$//i;
if ($value =~ /^(?:[0\\]x)?([0-9a-f]+)$/i or $value =~ /^([0-9a-f]+)h?$/i) {
my @digits = $1 =~ /(..)/g;
my ($pure, $html, $count);
# Now convert them one by one, until it seems like there might be too many.
while (my $digit = shift @digits and $count++ <= MAX_INPUT_CHARS) {
my $printable = printable_chr(hex $digit);
return unless $printable;
$pure .= $printable->{pure};
$html .= $printable->{html};
# If they gave us more input than we're willing to handle, throw in
# an appropriate ellipsis for their output type and call it done.
if (scalar @digits) {
$pure .= '...';
$html .= '&hellip;';
return $html,
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $html,
subtitle => "Hex to ASCII: $value",
templates => {
group => 'text',
# Some of these are actually printable whitespace, but
# for consistency, we'll make them discoverable, too.
my %invisibles = (
0x00 => { abbr => 'NUL', desc => 'null' },
0x01 => { abbr => 'SOH', desc => 'start of heading' },
0x02 => { abbr => 'STX', desc => 'start of text' },
0x03 => { abbr => 'ETX', desc => 'end of text' },
0x04 => { abbr => 'EOT', desc => 'end of transmission' },
0x05 => { abbr => 'ENQ', desc => 'enquiry' },
0x06 => { abbr => 'ACK', desc => 'acknowledge' },
0x07 => { abbr => 'BEL', desc => 'bell', },
0x08 => { abbr => 'BS', desc => 'backspace', },
0x09 => { abbr => 'TAB', desc => 'horizontal tab', },
0x0A => { abbr => 'LF', desc => 'linefeed', },
0x0B => { abbr => 'VT', desc => 'vertical tab', },
0x0C => { abbr => 'FF', desc => 'form feed', },
0x0D => { abbr => 'CR', desc => 'carriage return', },
0x0E => { abbr => 'SO', desc => 'shift out', },
0x0F => { abbr => 'SI', desc => 'shift in', },
0x10 => { abbr => 'DLE', desc => 'data link escape', },
0x11 => { abbr => 'DC1', desc => 'device control 1', },
0x12 => { abbr => 'DC2', desc => 'device control 2', },
0x13 => { abbr => 'DC3', desc => 'device control 3', },
0x14 => { abbr => 'DC4', desc => 'device control 4', },
0x15 => { abbr => 'NAK', desc => 'negative acknowledge', },
0x16 => { abbr => 'SYN', desc => 'synchronous idle', },
0x17 => { abbr => 'ETB', desc => 'end of transmission block', },
0x18 => { abbr => 'CAN', desc => 'cancel', },
0x19 => { abbr => 'EM', desc => 'end of medium', },
0x1A => { abbr => 'SUB', desc => 'substitute', },
0x1B => { abbr => 'ESC', desc => 'escape', },
0x1C => { abbr => 'FS', desc => 'file separator', },
0x1D => { abbr => 'GS', desc => 'group separator', },
0x1E => { abbr => 'RS', desc => 'record separator', },
0x1F => { abbr => 'US', desc => 'unit separator', },
0x7F => { abbr => 'DEL', desc => 'delete', },
# The actual hex to ASCII conversion.
# Returns a hashref with a 'pure' and 'html' representation.
# The html representation includes tagged information on invisible
# characters (defined as non-printable + non-space whitespace.)
# The pure ASCII representation elides the invisible characters.
sub printable_chr {
my ($hex) = @_;
# Looks like non-ASCII, don't give them anything.
return if ($hex > 0x7F);
my $representation;
if (my $char_info = $invisibles{$hex}) {
$representation->{html} = '<code title="' . $char_info->{desc} . '">[' . $char_info->{abbr} . ']</code>';
$representation->{pure} = ''; # Don't want to add any printable whitespace and wonder what happened.
} else {
# This must be a printable character, so just let chr figure it out
$representation->{html} = html_enc($representation->{pure} = chr $hex);
return $representation;