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package DDG::Goodie::Calculator;
# ABSTRACT: do simple arthimetical calculations
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::NumberStyler';
use List::Util qw( max );
use Math::Trig;
use Math::BigInt;
use utf8;
zci answer_type => "calc";
zci is_cached => 1;
triggers query_nowhitespace => qr<
( what is | calculate | solve | math )?
[\( \) x X × ∙ ⋅ * % + ÷ / \^ \$ -]*
(?: [0-9 \. ,]* )
(?: gross | dozen | pi | e | c | squared | score |)
[\( \) x X × ∙ ⋅ * % + ÷ / \^ 0-9 \. , _ \$ -]*
(?(1) (?: -? [0-9 \. , _ ]+ |) |)
(?: [\( \) x X × ∙ ⋅ * % + ÷ / \^ \$ -] | times | divided by | plus | minus | fact | factorial | cos | sin | tan | cotan | log | ln | log[_]?\d{1,3} | exp | tanh | sec | csc | squared | sqrt | pi | e )+
(?: [0-9 \. ,]* )
(?: gross | dozen | pi | e | c | squared | score |)
[\( \) x X × ∙ ⋅ * % + ÷ / \^ 0-9 \. , _ \$ -]* =?
my $number_re = number_style_regex();
my $funcy = qr/[[a-z]+\(|log[_]?\d{1,3}\(|\^|\*|\/|squared|divided/; # Stuff that looks like functions.
my %named_operations = (
'\^' => '**',
'x' => '*',
'×' => '*',
'∙' => '*',
'⋅' => '*', # Can be mistaken for dot operator
'times' => '*',
'minus' => '-',
'plus' => '+',
'divided\sby' => '/',
'÷' => '/',
'ln' => 'log', # perl log() is natural log.
'squared' => '**2',
'fact' => 'Math::BigInt->new',
my %named_constants = (
dozen => 12,
e => 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249, # This should be computed.
pi => pi, # pi constant from Math::Trig
gross => 144,
score => 20,
my $ored_constants = join('|', keys %named_constants); # For later substitutions
my $ip4_octet = qr/([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])/; # Each octet should look like a number between 0 and 255.
my $ip4_regex = qr/(?:$ip4_octet\.){3}$ip4_octet/; # There should be 4 of them separated by 3 dots.
my $up_to_32 = qr/([1-2]?[0-9]{1}|3[1-2])/; # 0-32
my $network = qr#^$ip4_regex\s*/\s*(?:$up_to_32|$ip4_regex)\s*$#; # Looks like network notation, either CIDR or subnet mask
handle query_nowhitespace => sub {
my $query = $_;
return if ($query =~ /\b0x/); # Probably attempt to express a hexadecimal number, query_nowhitespace makes this overreach a bit.
return if ($query =~ $network); # Probably want to talk about addresses, not calculations.
return if ($query =~ qr/(?:(?<pcnt>\d+)%(?<op>(\+|\-|\*|\/))(?<num>\d+)) | (?:(?<num>\d+)(?<op>(\+|\-|\*|\/))(?<pcnt>\d+)%)/); # Probably want to calculate a percent ( will be used PercentOf )
return if ($query =~ /^(?:(?:\+?1\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?(?:\(\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\s*\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[2-9][02-9]{2})\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?([0-9]{4})(?:\s*(?:#|x\.?|ext\.?|extension)\s*(\d+))?$/); # Probably are searching for a phone number, not making a calculation
$query =~ s/^(?:whatis|calculate|solve|math)//;
$query =~ s/(factorial)/fact/; #replace factorial with fact
# Grab expression.
my $tmp_expr = spacing($query, 1);
return if $tmp_expr eq $query; # If it didn't get spaced out, there are no operations to be done.
# First replace named operations with their computable equivalents.
while (my ($name, $operation) = each %named_operations) {
$tmp_expr =~ s# $name # $operation #xig;
$query =~ s#$name#$operation#xig; # We want these ones to show later.
$tmp_expr =~ s#log[_]?(\d{1,3})#(1/log($1))*log#xg; # Arbitrary base logs.
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)E(-?\d+)([^\d]|\b) /\($1 * 10**$2\)$3/ixg; # E == *10^n
$tmp_expr =~ s/\$//g; # Remove $s.
$tmp_expr =~ s/=$//; # Drop =.
$tmp_expr =~ s/([0-9])\s*([a-zA-Z])([^0-9])/$1*$2$3/g; # Support 0.5e or 0.5pi; but don't break 1e8
# Now sub in constants
while (my ($name, $constant) = each %named_constants) {
$tmp_expr =~ s# (\d+?)\s+$name # $1 * $constant #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s#\b$name\b# $constant #ig;
$query =~ s#\b$name\b#($name)#ig;
my @numbers = grep { $_ =~ /^$number_re$/ } (split /\s+/, $tmp_expr);
my $style = number_style_for(@numbers);
return unless $style;
$tmp_expr = $style->for_computation($tmp_expr);
$tmp_expr =~ s/(Math::BigInt->new\((.*)\))/(Math::BigInt->new\($2\))->bfac()/g; #correct expression for fact
# Using functions makes us want answers with more precision than our inputs indicate.
my $precision = ($query =~ $funcy) ? undef : ($query =~ /^\$/) ? 2 : max(map { $style->precision_of($_) } @numbers);
my $tmp_result;
eval {
# e.g. sin(100000)/100000 completely makes this go haywire.
$tmp_result = eval($tmp_expr);
alarm(0); # Assume the string processing will be "fast enough"
# Guard against non-result results
return unless (defined $tmp_result && $tmp_result ne 'inf' && $tmp_result ne '');
# Try to determine if the result is supposed to be 0, but isn't because of FP issues.
# If there's a defined precision, let sprintf worry about it.
# Otherwise, we'll say that smaller than 1e-14 was supposed to be zero.
# -14 selected to account for the result of sin(pi)
$tmp_result = 0 if (not defined $precision and ($tmp_result =~ /e\-(?<exp>\d+)$/ and $+{exp} > 14));
$tmp_result = sprintf('%0.' . $precision . 'f', $tmp_result) if ($precision);
# Dollars.
$tmp_result = '$' . $tmp_result if ($query =~ /^\$/);
my $results = prepare_for_display($query, $tmp_result, $style);
return if $results->{text} =~ /^\s/;
return $results->{text},
structured_answer => $results->{structured},
heading => "Calculator";
sub prepare_for_display {
my ($query, $result, $style) = @_;
# Equals varies by output type.
$query =~ s/\=$//;
$query =~ s/(\d)[ _](\d)/$1$2/g; # Squeeze out spaces and underscores.
# Show them how 'E' was interpreted. This should use the number styler, too.
$query =~ s/((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)/\($1 * 10^$2\)/i;
$query =~ s/\s*\*{2}\s*/^/g; # Use prettier exponentiation.
$query =~ s/(Math::BigInt->new\((.*)\))/fact\($2\)/g; #replace Math::BigInt->new( with fact(
$result = $style->for_display($result);
foreach my $name (keys %named_constants) {
$query =~ s#\($name\)#$name#xig;
return +{
text => spacing($query) . ' = ' . $result,
structured => {
input => [spacing($query)],
operation => 'Calculate',
result => "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.x.q.value=\"$result\";document.x.q.focus();'>" . $style->with_html($result) . "</a>"
#separates symbols with a space
#spacing '1+1' -> '1 + 1'
sub spacing {
my ($text, $space_for_parse) = @_;
$text =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
$text =~ s/(\s*(?<!<)(?:[\+\^xX×∙⋅\*\/÷\%]|(?<!\de)\-|times|plus|minus|dividedby)+\s*)/ $1 /ig;
$text =~ s/\s*dividedby\s*/ divided by /ig;
$text =~ s/(\d+?)((?:dozen|pi|gross|squared|score))/$1 $2/ig;
$text =~ s/([\(\)])/ $1 /g if ($space_for_parse);
return $text;