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package DDG::Goodie::Pi;
# ABSTRACT: This Goodie returns 'pi' to a user-specified number of decimal places
use DDG::Goodie;
use utf8;
zci answer_type => "pi";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "Pi";
primary_example_queries "pi 7";
description "Ex. returns 3.1415926";
code_url "";
attribution github => ["", "puskin94"],
github => ["", "jmvbxx"];
triggers startend => "pi","π";
my $PI = '3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679'.
my $PI_max_digits = length($PI);
handle query_raw => sub {
return unless $_ =~ /^(?:pi|π)?\s*(?:to|first)?\s*(?<decimal>\d+)\s*(?:(?:decimal|digit)s?)?\s*(?:of\s+(?:pi|π))?$/i &&
$+{decimal} > 0 && $+{decimal} < $PI_max_digits;
my $answer = substr $PI, 0, ( $1 + 2 );
return $answer,
structured_answer => {
input => [],
operation => ["First ".$+{decimal}." digits of Pi"],
result => $answer