44 lines
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44 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::PhoneAlphabet;
# ABSTRACT: Taking a phone number with letters in it and returning the phone number
use strict;
use POSIX;
use DDG::Goodie;
zci answer_type => 'phone_alphabet';
zci is_cached => 1;
name "PhoneAlphabet";
description "Returns the phone number from a word phone number";
primary_example_queries "1-800-FUN-HACK to digits", "1-800-LAWYR-UP to phone number";
category 'reference';
topics 'special_interest';
code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/PhoneAlphabet.pm";
attribution github => ["https://github.com/stevelippert", "Steve Lippert"],
twitter => ["https://twitter.com/stevelippert", "stevelippert"],
github => ["https://github.com/samph", "samph"];
triggers any => 'to digit', 'to digits', 'to phone', 'to phone number', 'to numbers';
handle remainder => sub {
my $input = shift;
# Return unless it looks like a phone number
return unless ($input =~ /[-0-9A-Za-z]{6,15}$/);
# Return if it's a Hex number
return if ($input =~ /^0x\d+$/);
# Lower case everything.
my $num = lc $input;
# Use a regex to replace each letter with the corresponding number from the phone key pad.
$num =~ tr/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/22233344455566677778889999/;
return "Phone Number: $num",
structured_answer => {
input => [html_enc($input)],
operation => "Phone Number",
result => "$num",