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package DDG::Goodie::Minecraft;
# ABSTRACT: Minecraft crafting recipes.
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use JSON;
zci answer_type => 'minecraft';
zci is_cached => 1;
primary_example_queries 'cake minecraft';
secondary_example_queries 'how do i craft a cake in minecraft';
name 'Minecraft';
description 'Minecraft crafting recipes.';
source '';
category 'special';
topics 'words_and_games';
code_url '';
web => ['', 'Lars Jansøn Engvik'],
github => [ 'larseng', 'Lars Jansøn Engvik'];
triggers startend => "minecraft";
# Fetch and store recipes in a hash.
my $json = share('crafting-guide.json')->slurp;
my $decoded = decode_json($json);
my %recipes = map{ lc $_->{'name'} => $_ } (@{ $decoded->{'items'} });
# Good words: All the words that recipe names consist of.
# Okay words: Words that are in the good words list, but also could be a part of the query.
# Bad words: Words related to Minecraft, but not related to recipes.
my %good_words = map { $_ => 1 } map { split /\s+/ } (keys %recipes);
my %okay_words = map { $_ => 1 } (qw(a crafting));
my %bad_words = map { $_ => 1 } (qw(download server tutorial mod mods skins skin texture pack packs project projects));
handle remainder => sub {
my @query = split /\s+/, lc $_; # Split on whitespaces.
my @lookup;
# Loop through the query.
foreach (@query) {
return if(exists($bad_words{$_})); # Not looking for a recipe.
push (@lookup, $_) if(exists($good_words{$_})); # Word exists in a recipe, add it.
my $recipe = $recipes{join(' ', @lookup)} || $recipes{join(' ', grep { !$okay_words{$_} } @lookup)};
return unless $recipe;
# Recipe found, let's return an answer.
my $plaintext = 'Minecraft ' . $recipe->{'name'} . ' ingredients: ' . $recipe->{'ingredients'} . '.';
return $plaintext,
structured_answer => {
id => 'minecraft',
name => 'Minecraft',
data => {
title => $recipe->{'name'},
subtitle => "Ingredients: " . $recipe->{'ingredients'},
description => $recipe->{'description'},
image => '' . uri_esc( $recipe->{'image'} )
meta => {
sourceName => "Minecraft Wiki",
sourceUrl => ""
templates => {
group => 'info',
options => {
moreAt => 1