
704 lines
22 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::FrequencySpectrum;
# ABSTRACT: describe the nature of various wave frequencies.
use strict;
use SVG;
use DDG::Goodie;
use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw(WORDLIST);
use Math::SigFigs qw(:all);
zci answer_type => "frequency_spectrum";
zci is_cached => 1;
primary_example_queries '50 hz';
secondary_example_queries '400 thz';
description 'Returns information about light, radio, and sound frequencies';
name 'FrequencySpectrum';
code_url '';
category 'physical_properties';
topics 'science';
attribution web => "", twitter => 'machinepub';
#Javascript to dynamically resize and/or hide elements
my $dynamicwidths = <<EOF;
<script type="text/javascript">
// Get the marker label and tag
var markerlabel, markertag
markerlabel = document.getElementById("marker_label")
markertag = document.getElementById("marker_tag")
// Firefox (and possbily other browers) have a problem with the
// getBBox function. For now, I'll work around this by simply
// hiding the marker tag if getBBox() is not available.
try {
// Resize marker to fit text
bbox = markerlabel.getBBox()
markerlabel.setAttribute("x", bbox.x)
markertag.setAttribute("x", bbox.x - (bbox.width / 2))
markertag.setAttribute("y", bbox.y + 1)
markertag.setAttribute("width", bbox.width)
markertag.setAttribute("height", bbox.height)
// If the marker tag is wider than the window - 80 px, hide it
if (bbox.width > (wwidth - 80)) { = "hidden" = "hidden"
// If getBBox() not available, hide the tag and label
} catch(err) { = "hidden" = "hidden"
// When window is too small, remove marker label and tag
// and abbreviate major range (y-axis) labels
var wwidth, majrangelabels
wwidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0)
majrangelabels = document.getElementsByClassName("major_range_label")
if (wwidth < 500) {
// Marker tag and label = "hidden" = "hidden"
// Major range labels
for (var i = majrangelabels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var labeltext
labeltext = majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent
if (labeltext === "Radio") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "Rad."
} else if (labeltext === "Infrared") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "Inf."
} else if (labeltext === "Visible light") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "Vis."
} else if (labeltext === "Ultraviolet") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "UV"
} else if (labeltext === "X-ray") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "X-ray"
} else if (labeltext === "Gamma") {
majrangelabels[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].textContent = "Gam."
#Regex to match a valid query
# Used for trigger and later for parsing
my $frequencySpectrumQR = qr/
^(?<quantity>[\d,]+(\.\d+)?) #Number, maybe with commas, maybe a decimal
\s? #Optional space between number and unit
( #Unit can be frequency (Hz) or wavelength (nm)
(?<factor>k|kilo|m|mega|g|giga|t|tera)? #Optional SI prefix for Hz
(?:hz|hertz) #Hz
(?<wavelength>nanom(et(er|re)s?)?|nm) #nm
triggers query_raw => qr/$frequencySpectrumQR/i;
#The distance light travels in a vacuum in one second,
# expressed in nanometres
my $nanometreLightSecond = 2.99792458 * (10 ** 17);
#SI prefixes
my %factors = (
k => {
multiplier => 1e3,
cased => 'k'
m => {
multiplier => 1e6,
cased => 'M'
g => {
multiplier => 1e9,
cased => 'G'
t => {
multiplier => 1e12,
cased => 'T'
#Load electromagnetic frequency ranges
# References:
my @electromagnetic;
foreach (split /\n/, share("electromagnetic.txt")->slurp) {
my @range = split /\t/, $_;
push @electromagnetic, {
subspectrum => $range[0],
min => $range[1],
max => $range[2],
description => $range[3]
#Frequency ranges for EM subspectra
# Hardcoded to control graphical layout
my %emSpectrum = (
'radio' => {
min => 0,
max => 3000000000000,
track => 1
'infrared' => {
min => 3000000000000,
max => 400000000000000,
track => 2
'visible light' => {
min => 400000000000000,
max => 800000000000000,
track => 3
'ultraviolet' => {
min => 749500000000000,
max => 30000000000000000,
track => 4
'x-ray' => {
min => 30000000000000000,
max => 30000000000000000000,
track => 5
'gamma' => {
min => 30000000000000000000,
max => 3000000000000000000000000,
track => 6
#Load audible frequency ranges
my @audible;
foreach (split /\n/, share("audible.txt")->slurp) {
my @range = split /\t/, $_;
push @audible, {
min => $range[0],
max => $range[1],
produced_by => $range[2]
handle query => sub {
#Query components
(my $quantity = $+{quantity}) =~ s/,//g;
my $factor = $+{factor} || 0;
my $wavelength = $+{wavelength} || 0;
#Answer components
my $freq_hz;
my $freq_formatted;
my $answer;
my $html;
#If wavelength provided, convert to frequency in hz
if ($wavelength) {
$wavelength = $quantity;
$freq_hz = $nanometreLightSecond / $wavelength;
my $freq_thz = FormatSigFigs($freq_hz / $factors{'t'}{'multiplier'}, 5);
$freq_formatted = "$freq_thz THz (wavelength $quantity nm)";
#If frequency provided, convert to hz
} else {
my $prefix = $factor ? lc substr($factor, 0, 1) : 0;
my $factor = $factor ? $factors{$prefix}{'multiplier'} : 1;
$freq_hz = $quantity * $factor;
my $hz_formatted = $prefix ? $factors{$prefix}{'cased'} . 'Hz' : 'Hz';
$freq_formatted = $quantity . ' ' . $hz_formatted;
#Look for a match in the electromagnetic spectrum
my $emMatch = match_electromagnetic($freq_hz);
if ($emMatch) {
#Don't show result for wavelengths outside the
# visual spectrum
return if $wavelength and not $emMatch->{subspectrum} eq 'visible light';
my $emDescription = $freq_formatted . ' is a ' . $emMatch->{subspectrum} . ' frequency' . $emMatch->{description} . '.';
$answer .= $emDescription;
$html .= $emDescription;
#Add a plot to the html
#Prepare parameters
my $rangeMin = 0;
my $rangeMax = 10000000000000000000000000;
my $bandMin = $emMatch->{min};
my $bandMax = $emMatch->{max};
my $subspectrum = $emMatch->{subspectrum};
#Set up the plot panel
my $plot = generate_plot($rangeMin, $rangeMax, scalar keys %emSpectrum);
#Add a major range for each subspectrum (e.g. radio or UV)
foreach (sort {$emSpectrum{$a}{'track'} <=> $emSpectrum{$b}{'track'} } keys %emSpectrum) {
$plot = add_major_range($plot, $emSpectrum{$_}{'min'}, $emSpectrum{$_}{'max'}, $_, $emSpectrum{$_}{'track'});
#Add a minor range for the band (unless the band is the subspectrum)
if (! ($emSpectrum{$subspectrum}{'min'} == $bandMin && $emSpectrum{$subspectrum}{'max'} == $bandMax)) {
# NOTE: Skipping this per @wtrsld's comp, but leaving code in
# until design is finalised
#$plot = add_minor_range($plot, $bandMin, $bandMax, $emSpectrum{$subspectrum}{'track'});
#Add a marker for the query frequency
# Colour the marker if frequency is in visible spectrum
my $markerRGB;
if ($emMatch->{subspectrum} eq 'visible light') {
$markerRGB = frequency_to_RGB($freq_hz);
} else {
$markerRGB = '#F7614F';
$plot = add_marker($plot, $freq_hz, $markerRGB, $freq_formatted);
#Generate the SVG
$html .= $plot->{svg}->xmlify;
#Look for matches in the audible spectrum
# NOTE: Audible frequency results are currently being suppressed,
# as the resulting IA is too long. This will be revisited when
# better stying is available.
#my @audibleMatches = @{match_audible($freq_hz)};
my @audibleMatches = ();
if (@audibleMatches) {
my $audibleDescription = $freq_formatted . ' is';
$audibleDescription .= ' also' if $emMatch;
$audibleDescription .= ' an audible frequency which can be produced by ';
my @producers;
push @producers, $_->{produced_by} for @audibleMatches;
$audibleDescription .= WORDLIST(@producers, {cong => 'and'});
$audibleDescription .= '.';
$answer .= $audibleDescription;
$html .= $audibleDescription;
#Add a plot to the HTML
#Basic plot parameters
my $rangeMin = 10;
my $rangeMax = 10000;
#Set up the background panel
# A 'track' is a row in the plot/categorical variable on the y axis
(my $plot, my $transform) = generate_plot($rangeMin, $rangeMax, scalar @audibleMatches);
#Add a track with a major range for each producer
my $track = 0;
foreach my $match (@audibleMatches) {
my $freqRangeMin = $match->{min};
my $freqRangeMax = $match->{max};
my $label = $match->{produced_by};
$plot = add_major_range($plot, $transform, $freqRangeMin, $freqRangeMax, $label, $track);
#Add a marker for the query frequency
$plot = add_marker($plot, $freq_hz, scalar @audibleMatches, '#000', $freq_formatted);
#Generate the SVG
$html .= $plot->xmlify;
return $answer, html => wrap_html($html) if $answer;
#Find match in the electromagnetic spectrum
sub match_electromagnetic {
my $freq_hz = shift;
foreach (@electromagnetic) {
return $_ if ($_->{min} <= $freq_hz) && ($_->{max} >= $freq_hz);
#Find matches in the audible spectrum
sub match_audible {
my $freq_hz = shift;
my @matches;
foreach (@audible) {
push @matches, $_ if ($_->{min} <= $freq_hz) && ($_->{max} >= $freq_hz);
return \@matches;
sub generate_plot {
#Set up plot parameters
my $plot = {};
#Range (passed)
$plot->{rangeMin} = $_[0];
$plot->{rangeMax} = $_[1];
#Number of tracks (passed)
$plot->{tracks} = $_[2];
#Height of a single track
$plot->{trackHeight} = 25;
#Height of a band
$plot->{bandHeight} = 18;
#Padding between edge of band and edge of track
$plot->{bandGutter} = ($plot->{trackHeight} - $plot->{bandHeight}) / 2;
#Total height of panel (area where data is plotted/Cartesian plane)
$plot->{panelHeight} = $plot->{tracks} * $plot->{trackHeight};
$plot->{leftGutter} = 20;
$plot->{rightGutter} = 5;
$plot->{bottomGutter} = 50;
$plot->{topGutter} = 30;
#Plot width is dynamic, always expressed as percentage
$plot->{width} = 100;
#Plot height is fixed, and depends on number of tracks (passed)
# and the track height
$plot->{height} = $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{bottomGutter} + $plot->{topGutter};
#Initialise SVG
$plot->{svg} = SVG->new(height => $plot->{height}, class => 'zci--plot');
#If the difference betweeen the range
# minimum and maximum is two orders of
# magnitude or greater, use a log10 scale
my $log10 = int(log10($plot->{rangeMax})) - int(log10($plot->{rangeMin})) >= 2 ? 1 : 0;
#Build a transformation function to map values to
# x coordinates
my $transform;
if ($log10) {
$plot->{transform} = sub {
my $value = shift;
my $unit = ($plot->{width} - $plot->{leftGutter} - $plot->{rightGutter}) / (log10($plot->{rangeMax}) - log10($plot->{rangeMin}));
return $plot->{leftGutter} + ((log10($value) - log10($plot->{rangeMin})) * $unit);
} else {
$plot->{transform} = sub {
my $value = shift;
my $unit = ($plot->{width} - $plot->{leftGutter} - $plot->{rightGutter}) / ($plot->{rangeMax} - $plot->{rangeMin});
return $plot->{leftGutter} + (($value - $plot->{rangeMin}) * $unit);
#Add plot background
class => 'plot_background',
width => '100%',
height => $plot->{height},
x => 0,
y => 0
#Add panel background
class => 'plot_panel',
width => ($plot->{width} - $plot->{leftGutter} - $plot->{rightGutter}) . '%',
height => $plot->{panelHeight},
x => $plot->{leftGutter} . '%',
y => $plot->{topGutter},
#Calculate x-axis tick locations
my @ticks;
# If we're using a log10 scale, put a tick at
# each power of 10 between range min and max
if ($log10) {
@ticks = map { 10 ** $_ } int(log10($plot->{rangeMin})) .. int(log10($plot->{rangeMax}));
#If we're using a linear scale, put a tick at every
# integer multiple at the order of magnitude of
# range max
} else {
my $order = 10 ** int(log10($plot->{rangeMax}));
@ticks = map { $_ * $order } int($plot->{rangeMin} / $order) + 1 .. int($plot->{rangeMax} / $order);
unshift(@ticks, $plot->{rangeMin}) unless $ticks[0] == $plot->{rangeMin};
push(@ticks, $plot->{rangeMax}) unless $ticks[-1] == $plot->{rangeMax};
#If there are more than 10 ticks, remove every
# second tick until there are 10 or fewer
while (scalar @ticks > 10) {
@ticks = @ticks[grep !($_ % 2), 0..$#ticks];
#Draw ticks
my $xAxis = $plot->{svg}->group (
id => 'x_axis',
foreach (@ticks) {
my $x = $plot->{transform}->($_);
#Draw tick line
# NOTE: Currently skipping this per wtrsld's redesign
#my $tick = $xAxis->group();
#x1 => $x . '%',
#x2 => $x . '%',
#y1 => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter},
#y2 => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter} + 4,
#class => 'x_axis_tick'
#Annotate tick
my $text = $xAxis->text(
dy => '1em',
x => $x . '%',
y => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter} + 4,
'text-anchor' => 'middle',
class => 'x_axis_text'
if ($log10 && $_ > 10) {
$text->tag('tspan', -cdata => '10');
'baseline-shift' => 'super',
dy => '-0.2em', #Superscripts need an extra nudge
dx => '-0.5em', #Bring superscript close to parent
-cdata => log10($_),
style => { 'font-size' => '0.5em' },
} else {
$text->tag('tspan', -cdata => $_);
#Add x-axis gridlines
# NOTE: Currently skipping this per wtrsld's redesign
#my $gridlines = $plot->{svg}->group (
#class => 'x_axis_gridline',
#foreach (@ticks) {
#my $x = $plot->{transform}->($_);
#my $line = $gridlines->group();
#x1 => $x . '%',
#x2 => $x . '%',
#y1 => $plot->{topGutter},
#y2 => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter}
#Add a label to the x-axis
my $xAxisLabel = $xAxis->text(
dy => '1em',
x => '50%',
y => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter} + 25,
'text-anchor' => 'middle',
class => 'x_axis_label'
$xAxisLabel->tag('tspan', -cdata => 'Frequency (Hz)');
#Add axis lines
my $axislines = $plot->{svg}->group (
class => 'axis_line',
my $xaxisline = $axislines->group();
x1 => $plot->{transform}->(0) . '%',
x2 => $plot->{transform}->($plot->{rangeMax}) . '%',
y1 => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter},
y2 => $plot->{panelHeight} + $plot->{topGutter}
my $yaxisline = $axislines->group();
x1 => $plot->{transform}->(0) . '%',
x2 => $plot->{transform}->(0) . '%',
y1 => $plot->{topGutter},
y2 => $plot->{topGutter} + $plot->{panelHeight}
#Add a minor range to a plot panel
sub add_minor_range {
(my $plot, my $rangeMin, my $rangeMax, my $track) = @_;
#Add rectangle for range
my $minorRange = $plot->{svg}->group(id => 'minor_range_' . $track);
my $minorRangeRect = $minorRange->group();
class => 'minor_range',
x => $plot->{transform}->($rangeMin) . '%',
width => $plot->{transform}->($rangeMax) - $plot->{transform}->($rangeMin) . '%',
y => ($plot->{trackHeight} * ($track - 1)) + $plot->{bandGutter} + $plot->{topGutter},
height => $plot->{bandHeight},
return $plot;
#Add a major frequency range to a plot panel
sub add_major_range {
(my $plot, my $rangeMin, my $rangeMax, my $label, my $track) = @_;
#Add rectangle for range
my $majorRange = $plot->{svg}->group(id => 'major_range_' . $label);
my $majorRangeRect = $majorRange->group();
class => 'major_range',
x => $plot->{transform}->($rangeMin) . '%',
width => $plot->{transform}->($rangeMax) - $plot->{transform}->($rangeMin) . '%',
y => ($plot->{trackHeight} * ($track - 1)) + $plot->{bandGutter} + $plot->{topGutter},
height => $plot->{bandHeight},
#Add label for range on the y-axis
my $x;
my $anchor;
$x = $plot->{leftGutter} - 1;
$anchor = 'end';
my $majorRangeLabel = $majorRange->group();
my $majorRangeLabelText = $majorRangeLabel->text(
x => $x . '%',
y => ($plot->{trackHeight} * ($track - 1)) + (2 * $plot->{bandGutter}) + $plot->{topGutter},
dy => ($plot->{trackHeight} / 2) - 5,
'text-anchor' => $anchor,
class => 'major_range_label'
$majorRangeLabelText->tag('tspan', -cdata => ucfirst($label));
return $plot;
#Add a marker (vertical line) to a plot panel
sub add_marker {
(my $plot, my $markerValue, my $RGB, my $freq_formatted) = @_;
#Add marker rect
my $markerWidth = 1; #This is dynamically resized by $dynamicwidths
my $markerHeight = 14;
my $markerGutter = ($plot->{topGutter} - $markerHeight - 1) / 2;
class => 'marker_tag',
id => 'marker_tag',
width => $markerWidth,
height => $markerHeight,
x => $plot->{transform}->($markerValue) - ($markerWidth / 2) . '%',
y => $plot->{topGutter} - $markerGutter - $markerHeight + 1, #Extra pixel to account for plot border
style => { 'fill' => $RGB }
#Add marker label
my $markerLabel = $plot->{svg}->group();
my $markerLabelText = $markerLabel->text(
x => $plot->{transform}->($markerValue) . '%',
y => $plot->{topGutter} - $markerGutter - ($markerHeight / 2) + 4,
'text-anchor' => 'middle',
class => 'marker_label'
$markerLabelText->tag('tspan', id => 'marker_label', -cdata => ucfirst($freq_formatted));
#Add marker line
class => 'marker'
id => 'marker',
x1 => $plot->{transform}->($markerValue) . '%',
x2 => $plot->{transform}->($markerValue) . '%',
y1 => $plot->{topGutter} - $markerGutter,
y2 => $plot->{topGutter} + $plot->{panelHeight},
style => { 'stroke' => $RGB },
return $plot;
#Wrap html
sub wrap_html {
return <<EOF;
<!--[if lte IE 8]><div class="ie8-display-none">
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->
<div class='zci--conversions text--primary'>$_[0]</div>
#Get log10 of a number
sub log10 {
my $n = shift;
return 0 if $n == 0;
return log($n)/log(10);
#Convert a visible light frequency in Hz to RGB
# Adapted from
sub frequency_to_RGB {
my $frequency = shift;
my $wavelength = $nanometreLightSecond / $frequency;
my @RGB;
if (($wavelength >= 380) && ($wavelength < 440)) {
@RGB = (
-($wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380),
} elsif (($wavelength >= 440) && ($wavelength < 490)) {
@RGB = (
($wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440),
} elsif (($wavelength >= 490) && ($wavelength < 510)) {
@RGB = (
-($wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490),
} elsif (($wavelength >= 510) && ($wavelength < 580)) {
@RGB = (
($wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510),
} elsif (($wavelength >= 580) && ($wavelength < 645)) {
@RGB = (
-($wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580),
} elsif (($wavelength >= 645) && ($wavelength <= 780)) {
@RGB = (1, 0, 0);
} else {
@RGB = (0, 0, 0);
#Convert to hex
return '#' . join('', map { sprintf "%02x", $_ * 255 } @RGB);