57 lines
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57 lines
1.2 KiB
package DDG::Goodie::Frequency;
# ABSTRACT: Displays frequency of alphabet character (a-z)
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers start => 'frequency', 'freq';
primary_example_queries 'frequency of all characters in testing';
secondary_example_queries 'frequency of B in battle', 'frequency of all in testing 1234 ABC!';
description 'calculate the frequency of characters in a string';
name 'Frequency';
code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/Frequency.pm';
category 'calculations';
topics 'geek';
attribution github => [ 'http://github.com/unlisted', 'Morgan' ];
handle remainder => sub {
if ($_ =~ /^of ([a-z]|(?:all ?|)(?:letters|characters|chars|)) in (.+)/i)
my $collect = lc $1;
my $target_str = lc $2;
# warn qq($collect\t$target_str\n);
my $count = 0;
my %freq;
my @chars = split //, $target_str;
foreach (@chars)
if ($_ =~ /[a-z]/)
if ($collect =~ /all|letters|characters|chars/) { ++$freq{$_}; }
else { ++$freq{$_} if $_ eq $collect; }
my @out;
foreach my $key (keys %freq)
push @out, join ":", $key, $freq{$key} . "/" . $count;
return "Frequency: " . join ' ',sort(@out) if @out;
zci is_cached => 1;