
162 lines
4.6 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::FenViewer;
# ABSTRACT: This instant answer parses a chess position in the Forsyth-Edwards notation,
# and draws a chessboard on screen representing that position. The current version only
# parses the current board position (the first field in the FEN format) and does not check
# that the given position is actually legal.
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Try::Tiny;
zci answer_type => "fen_viewer";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "FenViewer";
description "This instant answer parses a chess position in the Forsyth-Edwards notation, and draws a chessboard on screen representing that position.";
primary_example_queries "FEN rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", "fen rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1";
category "entertainment";
topics "gaming";
code_url "";
attribution github => ["rouzbeh", "Ali Neishabouri"],
twitter => "Rou7_beh";
triggers start => "fen";
# Parse the FEN string into an array of length 64.
sub parse_position {
my ($i) = 0;
my ($position) = @_;
$position =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my (@cases) = ();
for (my $char = 0 ; $char < length($position) ; $char++ ) {
my $fenchar = substr($position, $char, 1);
if ($fenchar eq ' ') {
return @cases;
if (looks_like_number($fenchar)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $fenchar; $i++){
push(@cases, 'e');
elsif ($fenchar ne '/') {
push(@cases, $fenchar);
return @cases;
# Generate a chessboard as a HTML table.
sub draw_chessboard_html {
my (@position) = @_;
my ($i) = 0;
my ($j) = 0;
my ($counter) = 0;
my (@arr) = ("A".."Z");
my (%class_dict) = (
'r' => 'black rook',
'n' => 'black knight',
'b' => 'black bishop',
'q' => 'black queen',
'k' => 'black king',
'p' => 'black pawn',
'e' => 'empty',
'R' => 'white rook',
'N' => 'white knight',
'B' => 'white bishop',
'Q' => 'white queen',
'K' => 'white king',
'P' => 'white pawn',
my (%unicode_dict) = (
'r' => '&#9820;',
'n' => '&#9822;',
'b' => '&#9821;',
'q' => '&#9819;',
'k' => '&#9818;',
'p' => '&#9823;',
'e' => '',
'R' => '&#9814;',
'N' => '&#9816;',
'B' => '&#9815;',
'Q' => '&#9813;',
'K' => '&#9812;',
'P' => '&#9817;',
my ($html_chessboard) = '<div class="zci--fenviewer"><table class="chess_board" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++){
# Rows
$html_chessboard .= '<tr>';
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++){
# Columns
$html_chessboard .= '<td id="'.$arr[$j].(8-$i).'">';
$html_chessboard .= '<a href="#" class="'.$class_dict{$position[$counter]};
$html_chessboard .= '">'.$unicode_dict{$position[$counter]}.'</a>';
$html_chessboard .= '</td>';
$html_chessboard .= '</tr>';
$html_chessboard .= '</table></div>';
return $html_chessboard;
# Generate a chessboard in ASCII, with the same format as
# 'text output from Chess::PGN::EPD
sub draw_chessboard_ascii {
my (@position) = @_;
my ($i) = 0;
my ($j) = 0;
my ($counter) = 0;
my ($ascii_chessboard) = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++){
# Rows
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++){
# Columns
if ($position[$counter] ne 'e') {
# Occupied square
$ascii_chessboard .= $position[$counter];
elsif ($j % 2 != $i % 2) {
# Black square
$ascii_chessboard .= '-';
else {
# White square
$ascii_chessboard .= ' ';
if($counter < 63) {
$ascii_chessboard .= "\n";
return $ascii_chessboard;
handle remainder => sub {
my ($query) = $_;
return unless $query;
my (@pos) = parse_position($query);
if ($#pos != 63) {
# The format is wrong, e.g. space in the middle
my ($html_out) = '';
my ($ascii_out) = '';
try {
$html_out = draw_chessboard_html(@pos);
$ascii_out = draw_chessboard_ascii(@pos);
catch {
# The format is wrong, e.g. non-existent piece
return $ascii_out, html => $html_out;