
99 lines
2.7 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::Dewey;
# ABSTRACT: Identify and find dewey decimal system numbers
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers any => 'dewey';
zci answer_type => 'dewey_decimal';
zci is_cached => 1;
primary_example_queries 'dewey 644';
secondary_example_queries 'etymology in the dewey decimal system', 'dewey decimal system 640s', 'dewey decimal system naturalism';
description 'get the topic or reference number of a Dewey Decimal class';
name 'Dewey';
code_url '';
category 'reference';
topics 'special_interest';
attribution twitter => 'crazedpsyc',
cpan => 'CRZEDPSYC' ;
my %nums = share('dewey.txt')->slurp;
my %types = reverse %nums;
sub get_info {
my($num) = @_;
my $desc = $nums{"$num\n"} or return;
chomp $desc;
return $desc;
sub line {
my($num) = @_;
chomp $num;
return "<td>$num</td><td>&nbsp;".(get_info($num) or return)."</td>";
sub single_format {
"$_[0] is $_[1] in the Dewey Decimal System.";
handle remainder => sub {
return unless s/^(?:the)?\s*(?:decimal)?\s*(?:system)?\s*(?:numbers?|\#)?\s*
(\d{1,3})(?:\.\d+)?(s)? |
/defined $1?$1:$3/eix;
my ($out_html, $out) = ("","");
my $multi = $2;
my $word = $3;
if (defined $word) {
return if lc($word) eq 'system'; # don't respond to "dewey decimal system"
my @results = grep(/$word/i, keys %types);
return unless @results;
if (@results > 1) {
$out_html .= "<tr>".line($types{$_})."</tr>" for @results;
$multi = 1;
} else {
my $num = $types{$results[0]};
chomp $num;
$out .= single_format($num, lc(get_info($num) or return));
$out_html = $out;
else {
$_ = sprintf "%03d", $_;
unless ($multi) {
$out .= single_format $_, lc((get_info($_) or return));
$out_html = $out;
elsif (/\d00/) {
for ($_..$_+99) {
$out_html .= "<tr>" .(line($_) or next). "</tr>";
elsif (/\d\d0/) {
for ($_..$_+9) {
$out_html .= "<tr>" .(line($_) or next). "</tr>";
$out_html =~ s/\[\[([^\]]+?)\|(.+?)\]\]/<a href="\/\?q=$1">$2<\/a>/g;
$out_html =~ s/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/<a href="\/?q=$1">$1<\/a>/g;
$out =~ s/\[\[.+?\|(.+?)\]\]/$1/g;
$out =~ s/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/$1/g;
return ($multi) ? "" : $out, html => ($multi) ? "<table cellpadding=1>$out_html</table>" : $out_html;