69 lines
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69 lines
2.3 KiB
package DDG::Goodie::CountryCodes;
# ABSTRACT: Matches country names to ISO 3166 codes and vice versa
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use Locale::Country qw/country2code code2country/;
zci answer_type => "country_codes";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "CountryCodes";
description "Matches country names to ISO 3166 codes";
source "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1";
code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/CountryCodes.pm";
category "geography";
topics "travel", "geography";
primary_example_queries "country code Japan", "iso code for Spain";
secondary_example_queries "Russia two letter country code", "3 letter country code of China";
attribution github => ["killerfish", "Usman Raza"],
twitter => ["f1shie", "Usman Raza"];
triggers any => 'country code', 'iso code', 'iso 3166';
my %numbers = (two => 2, three => 3);
my $connectors = qr/of|for/;
my $counts = join('|', values %numbers, keys %numbers);
handle remainder => sub {
my $input = $_;
# Strip and match descriptors.
$input =~ s/(?<count>$counts)\s*letters?|(?<num>number|numeric(?:al)?)//ig;
my $count = $+{'count'} || ''; # Get any code set indication if present e.g. 3, two
my $expr = ($count) ? 'alpha-' . ($numbers{$count} || $count) : ($+{'num'}) ? 'numeric' : 'alpha-2';
$input =~ s/^\s*$connectors?\s+|\s+$//ig; # Trim remainder to get country.
return unless $input;
my @answer = result($input, $expr);
# Return if user input was neither country or code
return if @answer < 2;
# Swap country and code, if user had entered code
($input, $answer[0]) = ($answer[0], $input) if $answer[1] eq 'code';
return 'ISO 3166: '. ucfirst $input .' - '. $answer[0],
structured_answer => {
input => [ucfirst $input],
operation => 'ISO 3166 Country code',
result => ($answer[0]),
sub result {
my ($input, $sw) = @_;
my $result;
# Validate user input and return result accordingly, possible values country, code, or invalid
($result = country2code($input, $sw)) ? return ($result, 'country')
: ($result = code2country($input, $sw)) ? return ($result, 'code')
: return -1;