
47 lines
1.4 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::SumOfNaturalNumbers;
# ABSTRACT: Returns the sum of the numbers between the first and second provided integers
use DDG::Goodie;
use bignum;
triggers start => "add", "sum from";
triggers startend => "sum";
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => "sum";
primary_example_queries 'sum 1 to 10';
secondary_example_queries 'add 33 to 100';
description 'Add up the numbers between two values';
name 'SumOfNaturalNumbers';
code_url '';
category 'calculations';
topics 'math';
attribution github => ['', 'JulianGindi'],
github => ['', 'navneet35371'];
# This adds commas to the number.
# It converts 10000000 to 10,000,000.
# It was copied from
sub commify {
# Disable bigint in this function. It interferes with `1 while ...`.
no bigint;
local $_ = shift;
1 while s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
return $_;
handle remainder => sub {
# Check if we're getting integers.
return unless $_ =~ /^(?:from )?(\d+)\s*(to|-)\s*(\d+)$/i;
if ($1 > $3) {
} else {
my $sum = ((($3 * ($3 + 1)) / 2)-(($1 * ($1 - 1)) / 2));
return 'Sum of natural numbers from ' . commify($1) . ' to ' . commify($3) . ' is ' . commify($sum) . '.';