52 lines
1.5 KiB
52 lines
1.5 KiB
package DDG::Goodie::Sort;
# ABSTRACT: Sort a sequence of signed numbers
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
# Used to restrict long inputs
use constant MAX_LIST_SIZE => 32;
# Whether to convert numbers from strings to real numbers (1) or not (0)
use constant NORMALIZE => 1;
triggers start => 'sort';
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'sort';
primary_example_queries 'sort -3 -10 56 10';
secondary_example_queries 'sort descending 10, -1, +5.3, -95, 1';
description 'Return the given numbers list in a sorted order.';
name 'Sort';
code_url 'http://github.com/koosha--';
category 'computing_tools';
topics 'programming';
attribution github => ['https://github.com/koosha--', 'koosha--'],
twitter => '_koosha_';
handle remainder => sub {
my $input = $_;
$input =~ s/[\(\{\[]
my $number_re = qr/[-+]?(?:\d+|(?:\d*\.\d+))/;
my $ascending = 1;
if ($input =~ /^(?:asc|desc)(?:ending(?:ly)?)?/i) {
$ascending = 0 if $input =~ /^desc/i;
$input =~ s/^(?:asc|desc)(?:ending(?:ly)?)?\s*//i;
if ($input =~ /^$number_re(?:[\s,;]+$number_re)+$/) {
my @numbers = split /[\s,;]+/, $input;
if (scalar @numbers > MAX_LIST_SIZE) {
@numbers = @numbers[0..MAX_LIST_SIZE - 1];
@numbers = map {$_ + 0} @numbers if NORMALIZE;
my @sorted = sort { $ascending ? $a <=> $b : $b <=> $a } @numbers;
my $list = join(', ', @sorted);
return sprintf("$list (Sorted %s)", $ascending ? 'ascendingly' : 'descendingly');