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package DDG::Goodie::Sha;
# ABSTRACT: Compute a SHA sum for a provided string.
use DDG::Goodie;
use Digest::SHA;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => "sha";
primary_example_queries 'SHA this';
secondary_example_queries 'sha-512 that', 'sha512sum dim-dims', 'sha hash of "this and that"';
description 'SHA hash cryptography';
name 'SHA';
code_url '';
category 'calculations';
topics 'cryptography';
attribution web => [ '', 'DuckDuckGo' ],
github => [ '', 'duckduckgo'],
twitter => ['', 'duckduckgo'];
triggers query => qr/^sha\-?(1|224|256|384|512|)(?:sum|) (hex|base64|)\s*(.*)$/i;
sub html_output {
my ($str, $sha, $sha_version) = @_;
# prevent XSS
$str = html_enc($str);
return "<div class='zci--sha'>"
."<span class='text--secondary'>$sha_version of \"$str\"</span><br/>"
."<span class='text--primary'>$sha</span>"
handle query => sub {
my $command1 = $1 || '';
my $command2 = $2 || '';
my $str = $3 || '';
#warn "CMD 1: '$command1'\tCMD 2: '$command2'\tSTR: '$str'\n";
$str =~ s/^hash\s+(.*\S+)/$1/; # Remove 'hash' in queries like 'sha hash this'
$str =~ s/^of\s+(.*\S+)/$1/; # Remove 'of' in queries like 'sha hash of this'
$str =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; # remove quotes (e.g. sha1 "this string")
# return if there is nothing left to hash
return unless ($str);
my $sha;
if ( $command1 eq '224' ) {
$sha = $command2 eq 'base64' ? Digest::SHA::sha224_base64($str) : Digest::SHA::sha224_hex($str);
elsif ( $command1 eq '256' ) {
$sha = $command2 eq 'base64' ? Digest::SHA::sha256_base64($str) : Digest::SHA::sha256_hex($str);
elsif ( $command1 eq '384' ) {
$sha = $command2 eq 'base64' ? Digest::SHA::sha384_base64($str) : Digest::SHA::sha384_hex($str);
elsif ( $command1 eq '512' ) {
$sha = $command2 eq 'base64' ? Digest::SHA::sha512_base64($str) : Digest::SHA::sha512_hex($str);
else {
$command1 = '1';
$sha = $command2 eq 'base64' ? Digest::SHA::sha1_base64($str) : Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($str);
# pad with '=' until base64 output length is a multiple of 4
if ($command2 eq 'base64'){
while (length($sha) % 4) {
$sha .= '=';
return $sha, html => html_output($str, $sha, "SHA-$command1");