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package DDG::Goodie::Jira;
# ABSTRACT: returns the URL of an Apache or Codehaus JIRA bug ticket according to its identifier
use DDG::Goodie;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'jira';
use YAML qw( Load );
primary_example_queries 'SOLR-4530';
secondary_example_queries 'IdentityHtmlMapper solr-4530';
description 'Track Apache and Codehaus JIRA bug tickets';
name 'Jira';
code_url '';
category 'programming';
topics 'programming';
github => ['', 'arroway'],
twitter => ['', 'steph_ouillon'];
my $projects = Load(scalar share('projects.yml')->slurp);
my @all_project_keys = sort keys %$projects;
my $ticket_keys_regex;
foreach my $project_key (@all_project_keys) {
$ticket_keys_regex .= join('|', keys %{$projects->{$project_key}->{ticket_keys}});
# A ticket identifier is formed by the key of the project and a number: KEY-NUMBER.
triggers query => qr/^(.*\s)*(?<ticket_key>$ticket_keys_regex)\-(?<ticket_number>[\d]{1,})\s*(.*)$/i;
handle query => sub {
my $ticket_key = uc $+{ticket_key};
my $ticket_number = $+{ticket_number};
my $html_return = '';
foreach my $project_key (@all_project_keys) {
my $this_project = $projects->{$project_key};
if (my $ticket_project = $this_project->{ticket_keys}{$ticket_key}) {
my $ticket_id = $ticket_key . '-' . $ticket_number;
$html_return .= '<br>' if ($html_return); # We're not first, add a line.
$html_return .=
$ticket_project . ' ('
. $this_project->{description}
. '): see ticket <a href="'
. $this_project->{browse_url}
. $ticket_id . '">'
. $ticket_id . '</a>.';
return undef, html => $html_return if $html_return;