
333 lines
12 KiB

DDH.roman = DDH.roman || {};
(function(DDH) {
"use strict";
/* Reference:
* Inputs can be between 1 and 3999.
* We rely on the substractive notation.
var romanTable = {
'I': 1,
'V': 5,
'X': 10,
'L': 50,
'C': 100,
'D': 500,
'M': 1000
/* The arabicTable is used to convert an arabic digit into roman characters.
* The field 'before' contains the substractive notation. Hence, we need
* specific cases when converting to roman notation for the digits 4 and 9.
var arabicTable = {
1: {digit: 'I', before: 'IV'},
5: {digit: 'V'},
10: {digit: 'X', before: 'XL'},
50: {digit: 'L'},
100: {digit: 'C', before: 'CD'},
500: {digit: 'D'},
1000: {digit: 'M'}
/* validationTable and conversionTable are used to avoid nested conditionals
* in the conversion process.
var validationTable = {
'roman': isRoman,
'arabic': isArabic
var rangeTable = {
'roman': isRomanNumberInRange,
'arabic': isArabicNumberInRange
var conversionTable = {
'roman': { 'arabic': romanToArabic },
'arabic': { 'roman': arabicToRoman }
/* Roman regular expression
* It is composed of 4 blocks:
* - M{0,3} -> from M to MMM
* - (?:D?C{0,3}|C[DM]) -> from C to CM
* - (?:L?X{0,3}|X[LC]) -> from X to XC
* - (?:V?I{0,3}|I[VX]) -> from I to IX
function isRoman(input) {
var r = /^M{0,3}(?:D?C{0,3}|C[DM])(?:L?X{0,3}|X[LC])(?:V?I{0,3}|I[VX])$/i;
return input != '' &&
/* isRomanNumberInRange expects a non-null string representing a
* roman number.
* It always returns true because a valid roman number is in range.
function isRomanNumberInRange(input) {
return true;
/* romanToArabic expects a non-null string representing a roman number.
* The algorithm relies on the order of the characters. If c is the
* current character, then there are two cases: Either, c is smaller
* than the previous character we add the value of the roman character.
* Or, c is greater than the previous character. In this case, we are
* in a substractive notation context. So we substract the previously
* added value and we also substract the value of the previous value to
* the value of the current character (hence the -2 * ...).
* The first previous value is initialized to the greatest possible value,
* 1000, to ensure the additive notation context at the beginning.
function romanToArabic(roman) {
var romanDigits = roman.toUpperCase().split('');
var previousArabicValue = 1000;
return romanDigits.reduce(function(acc, romanDigit) {
var arabicValue = romanTable[romanDigit];
var nextAcc = acc;
if (arabicValue <= previousArabicValue) {
nextAcc += arabicValue;
} else {
nextAcc += -2 * previousArabicValue + arabicValue;
previousArabicValue = arabicValue;
return nextAcc;
}, 0);
function isArabic(input) {
return input != '0' && input.match(/\d+/);
/* isArabicNumberInRange expects an integer.
* We limit the valid range to [1,3999] because the greatest roman
* number represented by ascii characters is MMMCMXCIX (3999).
function isArabicNumberInRange(input) {
var number = parseInt(input);
return number >= 1 && number <= 3999;
/* arabicToRoman expects a non-null string composed of digits.
* Because of the restriction on roman numbers, we limit arabic numbers to
* 3999.
* Arabic numbers use base 10 and can be expressed by the following
* expression n = a x 10^3 + b x 10^2 + c x 10 + d where a, b, c, d
* are digits between 0 and 9. Hence, we need to consider specific
* cases to convert to roman numbers.
* The process goes from left to right.
* If the value of the current digit is 4 or 9, we need to switch to
* the substractive notation.
* If the value of the current digit is 5, we need to use the right
* component in the roman notation (V, L, D).
* The remaining cases are straightforward.
function arabicToRoman(arabic) {
var arabicValue = parseInt(arabic);
var previousComponent;
var romanDigits = '';
var components = [1000, 100, 10, 1];
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
var leftDigit = Math.floor(arabicValue / components[i]);
if (leftDigit >= 1 && leftDigit <= 3) {
var romanDigit = arabicTable[components[i]].digit.repeat(leftDigit);
romanDigits += romanDigit;
} else if (leftDigit == 4) {
var romanDigit = arabicTable[components[i]].before;
romanDigits += romanDigit;
} else if (leftDigit == 5) {
var romanDigit = arabicTable[components[i] * 5].digit;
romanDigits += romanDigit;
} else if (leftDigit >= 6 && leftDigit <= 8) {
var romanDigit = arabicTable[components[i] * 5].digit;
var end = arabicTable[components[i]].digit.repeat(leftDigit - 5);
romanDigits += romanDigit + end;
} else if (leftDigit == 9) {
var romanDigit = arabicTable[previousComponent].digit;
romanDigits += arabicTable[components[i]].digit + romanDigit;
} else {
/* if 0 then there is nothing to do. */
previousComponent = components[i];
arabicValue -= components[i] * leftDigit;
return romanDigits;
function buildConverter(input, output) {
var $root = DDH.getDOM('roman');
var $arabicWarning = $root.find('.converter__messages__arabic');
var $romanWarning = $root.find('.converter__messages__roman');
/* The following four closures capture the two previous DOM elements.
* Hence, we build a warning table to display the right information.
* Warnings are displayed by making the font weight bold and increasing
* the font size.
function raiseArabicWarning() {
$arabicWarning.css('font-weight', 'bold');
$arabicWarning.css('font-size', '1.5em');
function unraiseArabicWarning() {
$arabicWarning.css('font-weight', 'normal');
$arabicWarning.css('font-size', '1em');
function raiseRomanWarning() {
$romanWarning.css('font-weight', 'bold');
$romanWarning.css('font-size', '1.5em');
function unraiseRomanWarning() {
$romanWarning.css('font-weight', 'normal');
$romanWarning.css('font-size', '1em');
var raiseWarningTable = {
'roman': raiseRomanWarning,
'arabic': raiseArabicWarning
var unraiseWarningTable = {
'roman': unraiseRomanWarning,
'arabic': unraiseArabicWarning
return {
inputLabel: DDG.capitalize(input),
isInputValid: validationTable[input],
isInputInRange: rangeTable[input],
input: $root.find('.converter__input__field'),
raiseInputWarning: raiseWarningTable[input],
unraiseInputWarning: unraiseWarningTable[input],
outputLabel: DDG.capitalize(output),
isOutputValid: validationTable[output],
isOutputInRange: rangeTable[output],
output: $root.find('.converter__output__field'),
raiseOutputWarning: raiseWarningTable[output],
unraiseOutputWarning: unraiseWarningTable[output],
inputToOutput: conversionTable[input][output],
outputToInput: conversionTable[output][input]
} = function(ops) {
var input =;
var output =;
var inputValue =;
var outputValue =;
/* State variables.
* initiated: avoid init logic running multiple times.
* warning: has a warning been raised?
var initiated = false;
var warning = false;
return {
onShow: function() {
/* Mechanism to avoid the init logic running multiple times. */
if (initiated) {
var $converter = buildConverter(input, output);
/* Just in case the input provided by the server was out
* of range. In this case, we immediately raise a warning.
if (! $converter.isInputInRange()) {
warning = true;
/* There are four cases to discriminate related to inputs.
* - empty input
* - syntactically incorrect input
* - out of range input
* - valid input
$converter.input.keyup(function (e) {
var input = $converter.input.val();
if (input == '') {
} else if (! $converter.isInputValid(input)) {
} else if (! $converter.isInputInRange(input)) {
warning = true;
} else {
if (warning) {
warning = false;
var output = $converter.inputToOutput(input);
$converter.output.keyup(function (e) {
var output = $converter.output.val();
if (output == '') {
} else if (! $converter.isOutputValid(output)) {
} else if (! $converter.isOutputInRange(output)) {
warning = true;
} else {
if (warning) {
warning = false;
var input = $converter.outputToInput(output);
initiated = true;