
97 lines
3.5 KiB

DDH.json_validator = DDH.json_validator || {}; = function(ops) {
"use strict";
// Flag to make denote if IA has been shown or not
var shown = false; = is_mobile ? 8 : 20;
return {
onShow: function() {
// Make sure this function is run only once, the first time
// the IA is shown otherwise things will get initialized
// more than once
if (shown)
// Set the flag to true so it doesn't get run again
shown = true;
var $dom = $('.zci--json_validator'),
$validateButton = $dom.find('.json_validator--validate_button'),
$clearButton = $dom.find('.json_validator--clear_button'),
$input = $dom.find('.json_validator--input'),
$result = $dom.find('.json_validator--result');
// Load library when the IA is shown for the first time
DDG.require('jsonlint', function () {
.text('Validate JSON')
.css('cursor', 'default');
$input.on('input', function() {
if ($input.val() == '') {
.prop('disabled', true)
.css('cursor', 'default')
} else {
.prop('disabled', false)
.css('cursor', 'pointer')
$ () {
// Fetch the value of indentation options (2 or 4 spaces)
var tabSize = $('#tabsize').val();
try {
var result = jsonlint.parse($input.val());
// JSON is valid
if (result) {
.html("JSON is valid!")
// Set indentation according to option selected by user
var indentation = ( tabSize == 1 ) ? '\t' : ' '.repeat(tabSize);
// Prettyprint (beautify) JSON when it's valid
$input.val(JSON.stringify(result, null, indentation));
} catch(e) {
// JSON is invalid, show the exception (error)
$ () {
// clear the input textarea
// hide the results section
// disable validate button
.prop('disabled', true)
.css('cursor', 'default')