
73 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Weight;
# ABSTRACT: Calculate the weight of provided mass.
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Text::Trim;
zci answer_type => "weight";
zci is_cached => 1;
# Triggers
triggers any => "weight";
my %units = (
"kg" => 1,
"kgs" => 1,
"g" => 0.001,
"gs" => 0.001,
"mg" => 0.00001,
"mgs" => 0.00001,
"t" => 1000,
"ts" => 1000,
"lb" => 0.453,
"lbs" => 0.453,
"oz" => 0.0283,
"ozs" => 0.0283,
# Value of acceleration due to gravity on Earth in m/s^2.
use constant g => 9.80665;
# Handle statement
handle query_lc => sub {
return unless m/^(what is the )?(earth )?weight (on earth )?(of )?(a )?(?<mass>\d+(\.\d+)?) ?(?<unit>\w+)( mass)?( on)?( earth)?\??$/;
my $mass_input = $+{mass};
my $default_unit = "kg";
my $unit = $+{unit} // $default_unit;
my $mass = $mass_input;
if ($unit){
return unless exists $units{$unit};
$mass *= $units{$unit};
# Weight = Mass (in kg) * Acceleration due to gravity (in m/s^2)
my $weight = $mass*g;
# Text to be shown to indicate conversion done
my $conversiontext = "($mass kg) ";
if ( $unit eq "kg" || $unit eq "kgs" ) {
$conversiontext = "";
my $massUnit = $mass_input.$unit;
return "Weight of a $massUnit mass on Earth is ${weight}N",
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => "Weight of a $massUnit ${conversiontext}mass on Earth is ${weight}N",
subtitle => "Taking value of acceleration due to gravity on Earth as ".g."m/s^2"
templates => {
group => "text"