
122 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Uptime;
# ABSTRACT: Given an uptime percentage, display various average downtime durations
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use Time::Duration;
use Time::Seconds;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::NumberStyler';
zci answer_type => "uptime";
zci is_cached => 1;
# Triggers
triggers startend => "uptime", start => "uptime of";
# Near zero duration messages
my $JUST_NOW_MSG = "just now"; # from Time::Duration
my $LESS_THAN_ONE_SECOND_MSG = "less than one second"; # from us
# Compute the downtime string durations (year, month, day)
# for the given uptime (must be btw 0 and 1)
sub compute_durations {
my $downtime_percentage = 1 - $_[0];
return map { fix_just_now(duration($_ * $downtime_percentage)) } (ONE_YEAR, ONE_MONTH, ONE_DAY);
# Given a duration, replace "just now" emitted by Time::Duration
# by "Less than one second" when applicable,
# or return the duration itself otherwise.
sub fix_just_now {
my $duration = $_[0];
return $duration eq $JUST_NOW_MSG ? $LESS_THAN_ONE_SECOND_MSG : $duration;
# Format response as text
sub format_text {
my ($uptime_percentage, $downtime_year, $downtime_month, $downtime_day) = @_;
my $text = "Implied downtimes for " . $uptime_percentage . " uptime\n";
if ($downtime_year eq $LESS_THAN_ONE_SECOND_MSG) {
$text .= "No downtime or less than a second during a year";
return $text;
$text .= "Daily: " . $downtime_day . "\n";
$text .= "Monthly: " . $downtime_month . "\n";
$text .= "Annually: " . $downtime_year;
return $text;
# Format response as structured_answer
sub format_answer {
my ($uptime_percentage, $downtime_year, $downtime_month, $downtime_day) = @_;
my ($title, $subtitle, @record_data, @record_keys);
if ($downtime_year eq $LESS_THAN_ONE_SECOND_MSG) {
$title = "No downtime or less than a second during a year";
$subtitle = "Implied downtimes for $uptime_percentage uptime";
@record_data = undef;
@record_keys = undef;
} else {
$title = "Implied downtimes for $uptime_percentage uptime";
@record_data = {
daily => $downtime_day,
monthly => $downtime_month,
yearly => $downtime_year
@record_keys = ["daily", "monthly", "yearly"];
return structured_answer => {
templates => {
group => "list",
options => {
content => "record"
data => {
title => $title,
subtitle => $subtitle,
record_data => @record_data,
record_keys => @record_keys
# Handle statement
handle remainder => sub {
return unless $_; # Guard against "no answer"
return unless s/%$//; # Query should end with '%'. Test and remove it
s/\s+//g; # Delete the whitespaces
# Look for something that "looks like a number"
my $number_string = $_;
my $number_re = number_style_regex();
$number_string =~ qr/($number_re)/;
# Get an object that can handle the number
my $styler = number_style_for($number_string);
return unless $styler; # might not be supported
my $perl_number = $styler->for_computation($number_string);
my $clean_query = $styler->for_display($perl_number) . '%';
# Query value must be btw 0 and 100
return unless $perl_number >= 0 && $perl_number < 100;
my ($year, $month, $day) = compute_durations($perl_number / 100);
my $plaintext = format_text($clean_query, $year, $month, $day);
my @structured_answer = format_answer($clean_query, $year, $month, $day);
return $plaintext, @structured_answer;