
59 lines
1.3 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::Sudoku;
# ABSTRACT: Show a small sudoku puzzle.
use DDG::Goodie;
use Games::Sudoku::Component;
use strict;
use warnings;
triggers startend => 'sudoku';
zci is_cached => 0;
zci answer_type => "sudoku";
sub parse_to_html_table(@)
my @sudoku_lines = @_;
my $html_table = "<table class='sudoku'>\n";
for my $line (@sudoku_lines)
my @chars = split(/ /, $line);
for my $char (@chars)
$char = "<input maxlength='1'/>" if $char eq "_";
$html_table .= "<tr><td>" . join("</td><td>", @chars) . "</td></tr>\n";
$html_table .= "</table>";
return $html_table;
handle remainder => sub {
return unless /^(easy|average|medium|hard|random|generate|play|)$/;
my($difficulty) = m/^(average|medium|hard)?$/;
$difficulty = "easy" unless ($difficulty);
my $sudoku = Games::Sudoku::Component->new(size => 9);
#proportion of the grid to be blank
my $blanks = 0.25;
$blanks = 0.75 if ($difficulty eq "hard");
$blanks = 0.5 if ($difficulty eq "medium" || $difficulty eq "average");
$sudoku->generate(blanks => (9 ** 2) * $blanks);
my $str_output = $sudoku->as_string();
#switch 0 to more sensible placeholders
$str_output =~ s/0/_/g;
my @sudoku_lines = split(/\n/, $str_output);
my $html_table = parse_to_html_table(@sudoku_lines);
return $str_output, html => $html_table;