
320 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::ParseCron;
# ABSTRACT: Parsing Crontabs - Show cron events in human-readable form.
# Example input:
# crontab 42 12 3 Feb Sat
# Example output:
# at 12:42pm on the 3rd and on Saturday in February
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Try::Tiny;
my @month_names = qw(January February March April May June
July August September October November December);
my @weekday_names = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday);
my (%month_short_names, %weekday_short_names);
@month_short_names{map substr(lc($_), 0, 3), @month_names} = (1..12);
@weekday_short_names{map substr(lc($_), 0, 3), @weekday_names} = (0..7);
triggers start => 'crontab', 'cron', 'cronjob';
zci is_cached => 0;
# Get ordinal (for days)
sub get_ordinal {
my $num = shift;
return $num . 'th' if 11 <= $num % 100 && $num % 100 <= 13;
return $num . 'rd' if $num % 10 == 3;
return $num . 'nd' if $num % 10 == 2;
return $num . 'st' if $num % 10 == 1;
return $num . 'th';
# Get frequency ("every X hours" or "every other day")
sub get_freq {
my ($freq, $singular, $plural) = @_;
return "every $singular" if $freq == 1;
return $freq == 2 ? "every other $singular" : "every $freq $plural";
# Join the array with commas and "and"
sub join_list {
my $last = pop @_;
return $last if @_ == 0; # one item
my $out = join(', ', @_);
$out .= ',' if @_ > 1; # three or more items; add a comma before "and"
return "$out and $last";
# Should it be repeated every day/month/hour/minute
sub is_every {
my $field = shift;
return $field eq '*' || $field eq '*/1';
sub check_bounds {
my ($value, $min, $max, $name) = @_;
die "Invalid $name $value\n" if $value < $min || $value > $max;
# Replace a name ("Jan", "Feb", "Sat", "Sun") with the corresponding index
sub replace_names {
my ($value, $singular, $names) = @_;
# It's not a month or a day of week, but a name is provided
die "Invalid $singular $value\n" if !defined($names) && $value =~ /[a-z]{3}/i;
# It's a number, no need to search for a name
return $value if $value !~ /[a-z]{3}/i;
# Name not found
die "Invalid $singular $value\n" unless exists $names->{lc($value)};
return $names->{lc($value)};
# Change x/y into x,x+y,x+y+y ...
sub fracted_field {
my ($start, $step, $end) = @_;
my $temp = "";
for (my $i = $start; $i < $end; $i += $step) {
if ($temp ne '') {
$temp .= ',';
$temp .= "$i";
return $temp;
# Parse a field (minute, hour, day, month, or weekday), call format_value for each value, and compose a string
sub parse_field {
my ($field, $singular, $plural, $min, $max, $format_value, $names) = @_;
# "every X days" ("*/X" or just "*")
if ($field =~ m!^\*(?:/(\d+))?$!) {
check_bounds($1, 1, $max, $singular) if defined $1;
return get_freq(defined $1 ? $1 : 1, $singular, $plural);
my @components = ();
my $i = 0;
for (split ',', $field) {
die "Invalid $singular $_\n" unless $_ =~ m!^(\d+|[a-z]{3})(?:-(\d+|[a-z]{3})(?:/(\d+))?)?$!i;
my ($start, $stop, $freq) = ($1, $2, $3);
$start = replace_names($start, $singular, $names);
$stop = replace_names($stop, $singular, $names) if defined $stop;
my $res = '';
if (defined $freq) {
check_bounds($freq, 1, $max, $singular);
$res .= get_freq($freq, $singular, $plural) . ' ';
if (defined $stop) { # a range (from X to Y)
check_bounds($start, $min, $max, $singular);
check_bounds($stop, $min, $max, $singular);
if ($singular eq 'month' || $singular eq 'day of the week') {
$res .= &$format_value($start, "start/$i") . ' through ' . &$format_value($stop, "stop/$i");
} else {
$res .= 'from ' . &$format_value($start, "start/$i") . ' to ' . &$format_value($stop, "stop/$i");
} else {
check_bounds($start, $min, $max, $singular);
$res .= &$format_value($start, "single/$i");
push @components, $res;
return join_list(@components);
# An alternative parser that returns an array of all possible values
sub get_all_values {
my ($field, $singular, $min, $max) = @_;
my @components = split ',', $field;
if ($field =~ m!^\*(?:/(\d+))?$!) { # "every X days" ("*/X" or just "*")
if (defined $1) {
check_bounds($1, 1, $max, $singular);
return map {$_ * $1 + $min} 0 .. (($max - $min) / $1);
return $min..$max;
my @values = ();
for (@components) {
die "Invalid $singular $_\n" unless $_ =~ m!^(\d+)(?:-(\d+)(?:/(\d+))?)?$!;
check_bounds($3, 1, $max, $singular) if defined $3;
check_bounds($2, $min, $max, $singular) if defined $2;
check_bounds($1, $min, $max, $singular) if defined $1;
if (defined $3) { # a range of values with frequency
push @values, map {$_ * $3 + $1} 0 .. (($2 - $1) / $3);
} elsif (defined $2) {
push @values, $1..$2; # a range of values
} else {
push @values, $1;
@values = sort {$a <=> $b} @values;
# Remove duplicates
my %seen;
return grep {!$seen{$_}++} @values;
# Calculate the cartesian product of all possible hours and minutes, if it's not too big
sub get_simple_time {
my ($minute, $hour) = @_;
my @hours = get_all_values($hour, 'hour', 0, 23);
my @minutes = get_all_values($minute, 'minute', 0, 59);
return if (scalar(@hours) * scalar(@minutes) > 10); # It's too big
my @times = ();
for my $hour (@hours) {
push @times, map {sprintf('%d:%02d%s', $hour % 12 == 0 ? 12 : $hour % 12,
$_, $hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm')} @minutes;
return 'at ' . join_list(@times);
# Parse minute and hour (the first two fields)
sub parse_time {
my ($minute, $hour) = @_;
# Particular cases
return 'at midnight' if $minute eq '0' && $hour eq '0';
# x/y minute
if ($minute =~ m!^([0-9]|[1-5][0-9])/([0-9]|[1-5][0-9])$!) {
$minute = fracted_field($1, $2, 60);
# x/y hour
if ($hour =~ m!^([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])/([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])$!) {
$hour = fracted_field($1, $2, 24);
my $out = get_simple_time($minute, $hour);
return $out if defined $out;
# The common case
$out = '';
# Parse minutes
if ($minute =~ /^\d+(?:,\d+)*$/ && $minute ne '0') { # a simple comma-separated list
my @components = split ',', $minute;
for (@components) {
check_bounds($_, 0, 59, 'minute');
$out .= join_list(@components) . ' ' . ($components[-1] == 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes') . ' after '
} elsif ($minute ne '0') {
$out .= parse_field($minute, 'minute', 'minutes', 0, 59, sub {
return $_[0] if $_[1] =~ /^start/;
return $_[0] == 1 ? 'a minute' : "$_[0] minutes";
# Insert the right preposition
if ($minute =~ m!^\*(?:/\d+)?$!) { # every X minutes
return $out if is_every($hour);
$out .= ' of ';
} else {
$out .= ' after ';
# Parse hours
$out .= parse_field($hour, 'hour', 'hours', 0, 23, sub {
return ($_[0] % 12 == 0 ? 12 : $_[0] % 12) . ($_[0] < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm');
return $out;
# Parse day, month, and weekday
sub parse_date {
my ($day, $month, $weekday) = @_;
return 'every day' if (is_every($day) && is_every($month) && is_every($weekday));
# x/y day
if ($day =~ m!^([1-31])/([1-31])$!) {
$day = fracted_field($1, $2, 32);
my $dayres = parse_field($day, 'day', 'days', 1, 31, sub {
return 'on the ' . get_ordinal($_[0]) if $_[1] eq 'single/0'; # insert the preposition for the first single value
return get_ordinal($_[0]);
# x/y month
if ($month =~ m!^([1-12])/([1-12])$!) {
$month = fracted_field($1, $2, 13);
my $monthres = parse_field($month, 'month', 'months', 1, 12, sub {
return $month_names[$_[0] - 1];
}, \%month_short_names);
if (is_every($weekday)) { # No weekday is specified
return $dayres if is_every($month) && $day =~ m!^\*/\d+$!; # every X days
return "$dayres of $monthres";
# x/y weekday
if ($weekday =~ m!^([0-6])/([0-6])$!) {
$weekday = fracted_field($1, $2, 7);
my $weekres = parse_field($weekday, 'day of the week', 'days of the week', 0, 7, sub {
return 'on ' . $weekday_names[$_[0]] if $_[1] eq 'single/0';
return $weekday_names[$_[0]];
}, \%weekday_short_names);
return "$weekres" . (is_every($month) ? '' : " in $monthres") if is_every($day);
# Both day of week and day of month are specified
return "$dayres and $weekres" . (is_every($month) ? '' : " in $monthres");
# The main function
handle remainder => sub {
my $line = shift;
my ($minute, $hour, $day, $month, $weekday) = split(' ', $line);
return if (!defined $weekday); # less than five fields
try {
my $time = parse_time($minute, $hour);
my $date = parse_date($day, $month, $weekday);
# If it's something like "every two hours", don't add "every day"
$time .= ' ' . $date unless $time =~ /^every / && $date eq 'every day';
return $time, structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $time,
subtitle => "Crontab: $line"
templates => {
group => 'text'
} catch {