
236 lines
6.7 KiB

package DDG::Goodie::MolarMass;
# ABSTRACT: Calculates the molar mass of a chemical compound from its formula
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML::XS 'LoadFile';
use Math::Round 'nearest';
use Text::Trim;
zci answer_type => 'molar_mass';
zci is_cached => 1;
my %masses = %{ LoadFile(share('elements.yml')) };
my %compounds = %{ LoadFile(share('compounds.yml')) };
triggers any => 'molar mass';
# Handle statement
handle remainder => sub {
my $remainder = $_;
$remainder =~ s/(what is|whats|what\'s|the|of|for|\?)//g;
$remainder = trim $remainder;
return unless $remainder;
# Check if input is in list of common compounds
if (exists $compounds{lc($remainder)}) {
return build_answer_with_compound(@compounds{lc($remainder)});
# If not, proceed with molar mass calculation.
my $mass = molar_mass($remainder);
return if $mass == -1;
return "The molar mass of $remainder is $mass g/mol.",
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => "$mass g/mol",
subtitle => "$remainder"
templates => {
group => 'text'
sub build_answer_with_compound {
my %compound = %{$_[0]};
return "The molar mass of $compound{name} ($compound{formula}) is $compound{weight} g/mol.",
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => "$compound{weight} g/mol",
subtitle => "$compound{name}, $compound{formula}"
templates => {
group => 'text'
# returns true if input only comprised of numbers
sub is_int {
my ($val) = @_;
return ($val =~ m/^\d+$/);
# returns true if input only comprised of letters
sub is_compound {
my ($cmp) = @_;
return ($cmp =~ /^([a-z]+)$/i);
# sanatize verifies that the input is suitable for processing.
# Sanatization Strategy:
# - Check that formula is only comprised of alphanumerics and parentheses.
# - Check number of right parens never exceeds number of left parens
# - Check each number preceded by a letter, right paren, or another number.
# - Check each lowercase char preceded by a letter.
# Returns -1 if any of these checks fail.
sub sanatize {
my ($string) = @_;
if (!($string =~ /^([a-z]|[0-9]|[\(]|[\)])+$/i)) {
return -1;
my $paren_count = 0;
for my $c (split //, $string) {
if ($c eq "(") {
$paren_count += 1;
elsif ($c eq ")") {
$paren_count -= 1;
if ($paren_count < 0) {
return -1;
my $prev = "NULL";
for my $c2 (split //, $string) {
if ($c2 =~ /[a-z]/
&& (!(is_compound($prev)) || ($prev eq "NULL"))) {
return -1;
elsif (is_int($c2)
&& !((is_compound($prev) && !($prev eq "NULL")) || $prev eq ")" || is_int($prev))) {
return -1;
$prev = $c2;
return 0;
# verify_compounds verifies that every compound in the array is in the
# table of masses, returns -1 otherwise.
sub verify_compounds {
my @arr = @{$_[0]};
my $arr_len = scalar(@arr);
for my $i (0..$arr_len - 1) {
if (ref($arr[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') {
return -1 if (verify_compounds($arr[$i]) == -1);
elsif (is_compound($arr[$i])) {
return -1 if !(exists $masses{$arr[$i]});
return 0;
# parse turns a string such as "Al2(SO4)3" into a nested array that looks
# like ["Al",2,["S","O",4],3].
sub parse {
my ($string) = @_;
my @stack = [];
my @a = [];
push @stack, @a;
for my $c (split //, $string) {
if ($c eq '(') {
my @arr = [];
push @stack, @arr;
elsif ($c eq ')') {
my $temp = pop @stack;
push @{$stack[-1]}, $temp;
elsif (is_int($c)) {
if (is_int($stack[-1][-1])) {
# join integer digits together if
# $c is a digit of a larger integer
$stack[-1][-1] = $stack[-1][-1] * 10 + $c;
else {
push @{$stack[-1]}, $c;
elsif ($c =~ /[a-z]/) {
# join lowercase letters to the last character before it
# will not fail as long as input is sanitized.
$stack[-1][-1] = $stack[-1][-1] . $c;
else {
# this should be reached by capitalized characters
push @{$stack[-1]}, $c;
return $stack[-1];
# calc_mass calculates the molar mass of a nested array produced by parse.
sub calc_mass {
my @arr = @{$_[0]};
my $arr_len = scalar(@arr);
my $mass = 0;
for my $i (0..$arr_len - 1) {
# Pseudocode:
# First, check if $i is the last index of the array, because the rest
# of the algorithm depends on being able to check the i+1 th element.
# 3 cases for the ith element:
# 1. it is a standalone element represented by a string
# 2. it is a multi-element molecule that is represented by an array
# 3. it is an integer, but we will handle integers in cases 1 and 2
# so we can ignore $i if it is an integer.
# For cases 1 and 2, we need to check if the i+1th element is an
# integer, if it is, we multiply by the i+1th integer
if ($i == $arr_len - 1) {
# Special handler for last index.
$mass = $mass + calc_mass($arr[$i]) if ref($arr[$i]) eq 'ARRAY';
$mass = $mass + $masses{$arr[$i]} if exists $masses{$arr[$i]}
elsif (ref($arr[$i]) eq 'ARRAY' && is_int($arr[$i+1])) {
$mass += calc_mass($arr[$i]) * $arr[$i+1];
elsif (ref($arr[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') {
$mass += calc_mass($arr[$i]);
elsif (is_compound($arr[$i]) && is_int($arr[$i+1])) {
$mass += $masses{$arr[$i]}*$arr[$i+1] if exists $masses{$arr[$i]};
elsif (exists $masses{$arr[$i]}) {
$mass += $masses{$arr[$i]};
} # Other cases are ignored.
return $mass;
# returns the molar mass of the string passed to it
# returns -1 if some mass is not found, or if there is invalid input
sub molar_mass {
# Note: sanatize and verify_compounds return -1 if given invalid input.
my ($str) = @_;
my $sanatize_result = sanatize($str);
return -1 if ($sanatize_result == -1);
my @temp_arr = parse($str);
my $verified_result = verify_compounds(@temp_arr);
return -1 if ($verified_result == -1);
return nearest(0.0001, calc_mass(@temp_arr));