
83 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Minecraft;
# ABSTRACT: Minecraft crafting recipes.
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use JSON::MaybeXS;
zci answer_type => 'minecraft';
zci is_cached => 1;
# Triggers: words that trigger the IA
triggers startend => "minecraft";
# Get goodie version for image paths
my $goodieVersion = $DDG::GoodieBundle::OpenSourceDuckDuckGo::VERSION // 999;
# Fetch and store recipes in a hash.
my $json = share('crafting-guide.json')->slurp;
#my $json = share('crafting-guide.json')->slurp(iomode => '<:encoding(UTF-8)'); # If description(s) contain(s) unicode
my $decoded = decode_json($json);
my %recipes = map{ lc $_->{'name'} => $_ } (@{ $decoded->{'items'} });
my @recipe_names = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %recipes;
# Extra words: Words that could be a part of the query, but not part of a recipe
my @extra_words = ('a','an','in','crafting','recipe','how to','make','craft','how do I','for','what is','the','on');
handle remainder => sub {
my $remainder = $_;
my $recipe;
# Find recipe name and regex
foreach my $recipe_name (@recipe_names) {
my $regex = $recipes{$recipe_name}->{'regex'} // $recipe_name;
if ($remainder =~ s/\b$regex\b//i) {
$recipe = $recipes{$recipe_name};
return unless $recipe; # Return if we don't have a valid recipe match
# Remove the extra words (or phrases)
foreach my $extra_word (@extra_words) {
$remainder =~ s/\b$extra_word\b//gi;
return if $remainder && $remainder !~ m/^\s+$/; # Return if we had leftover unwanted words (not just whitespace)
# Get image correct path
my $image;
my $imageName = $recipe->{'imageName'};
my $localImage = $recipe->{'localImage'} // "no";
if ($localImage eq "yes") { # If local image is used
$image = "/share/goodie/minecraft/$goodieVersion/images/$imageName";
} else { # If remote image is used
$image = $imageName;
# Run an answer
my $plaintext = 'Minecraft ' . $recipe->{'name'} . ' ingredients: ' . $recipe->{'ingredients'} . '.';
return $plaintext,
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $recipe->{'name'},
subtitle => "Ingredients: " . $recipe->{'ingredients'},
description => $recipe->{'description'},
image => $image,
imageTile => 1
meta => {
sourceName => "Minecraft Wiki",
sourceUrl => "" . uri_esc( $recipe->{'name'} ) # Not the best way to
templates => {
group => 'info',
options => {
moreAt => 1