
38 lines
868 B

package DDG::Goodie::HtmlBeautifier;
# ABSTRACT: A Goodie to beautify HTML tags.
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
zci answer_type => 'htmlbeautifier';
zci is_cached => 1;
triggers startend => share('triggers.txt')->slurp;
handle remainder => sub {
# Return unless the remainder is empty or contains online or tool
return unless ( $_ =~ /(^$|online|tool|code|utility)/i );
return '',
structured_answer => {
id => "html_beautifier",
data => {
title => 'HTML Beautifier',
subtitle => 'Reformat HTML code by adding proper indentation.'
templates => {
group => 'text',
item => 0,
options => {
content => 'DDH.html_beautifier.content'