
321 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::HTMLEntitiesEncode;
# ABSTRACT: Displays the HTML entity code for the query name.
use strict;
use warnings;
use DDG::Goodie;
use Text::Trim;
use HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities encode_entities);
use utf8;
triggers any => 'html', 'entity', 'htmlencode','encodehtml','htmlescape','escapehtml', 'htmlentity';
zci answer_type => 'html_entity';
zci is_cached => 1;
# '&' and ';' not included in the hash value -- they are added in make_text() and make_html()
my %codes = (
# Punctuation
'en dash' => [['En dash', 'ndash']],
'em dash' => [['Em dash', 'mdash']],
'hyphen' => [['Hyphen', '#8208']],
'soft hyphen' => [['Soft hyphen', '#173']],
'inverted question mark' => [['Inverted question mark', 'iquest']],
'inverted exclamation' => [['Inverted exclamation', 'iexcl']],
'inverted exclamation point' => [['Inverted exclamation', 'iexcl']],
'inverted exclamation mark' => [['Inverted exclamation', 'iexcl']],
'backward semicolon' => [['Backward semicolon','#8271']],
'quotation mark' => [['Double quotation mark', 'quot']],
'double quote' => [['Double quotation mark', 'quot']],
'left double quote' => [['Left double curly quote','ldquo']],
'left double curly quote' => [['Left double curly quote','ldquo']],
'right double quote' => [['Right double curly quote','rdquo']],
'right double curly quote' => [['Right double curly quote','rdquo']],
'double curly quote' => [['Left double curly quote','ldquo'],['Right double curly quote','rdquo']],
'apostrophe' => [['Apostrophe','#39']],
'single quote' => [['Single quote','#39']],
'left single quote' => [['Left single curly quote','lsquo']],
'left single curly quote' => [['Left single curly quote','lsquo']],
'right single quote' => [['Right single curly quote','rsquo']],
'right single curly quote' => [['Right single curly quote','rsquo']],
'single curly quote' => [['Left single curly quote','lsquo'],['Right single curly quote','rsquo']],
'angle quote' => [['Single left pointing angle quote', 'lsaquo'],['Single right pointing angle quote', 'rsaquo'],['Double left pointing angle quote','laquo'],['Double right pointing angle quote','raquo']],
'angle bracket' => [['Single left pointing angle quote', 'lsaquo'],['Single right pointing angle quote', 'rsaquo'],['Double left pointing angle quote','laquo'],['Double right pointing angle quote','raquo']],
'guillemets' => [['Single left pointing angle quote', 'lsaquo'],['Single right pointing angle quote', 'rsaquo'],['Double left pointing angle quote','laquo'],['Double right pointing angle quote','raquo']],
'left angle quote' => [['Single left pointing angle quote', 'lsaquo'],['Double left pointing angle quote','laquo']],
'left angle bracket' => [['Single left pointing angle quote', 'lsaquo'],['Double left pointing angle quote','laquo']],
'right angle quote' => [['Single right pointing angle quote', 'rsaquo'],['Double right pointing angle quote','raquo']],
'right angle bracket' => [['Single right pointing angle quote', 'rsaquo'],['Double right pointing angle quote','raquo']],
'space' => [['Non-breaking space','nbsp']],
'invisible comma' => [['Invisible comma','#8291']],
# Symbols
'ampersand' => [['Ampersand','amp']],
'copyright' => [['Copyright', '#169']],
'recording copyright' => [['Recording copyright','#8471']],
'registered' => [['Registered trademark', '#174']],
'registered trademark' => [['Registered', '#174']],
'trademark' => [['Trademark','#8482']],
'rx' => [['Prescription sign','#8478']],
'prescription' => [['Prescription sign','#8478']],
'numero' => [['Numero sign', '#8470']],
'hash' => [['Number sign','#35']], # same as number sign (below)
'number' => [['Number sign','#35']], # same as hash (above)
'forward slash' => [['Forward slash','#47']],
'slash' => [['Forward slash','#47']],
'backslash' => [['Backslash','#92']],
'back slash' => [['Backslash','#92']],
'hat' => [['Hat', '#94']], # x-post with caret
'broken vertical bar' => [['Broken vertical bar','brvbar']],
'pipe' => [['Pipe', '#8214']],
'pipes' => [['Pipe', '#8214']],
'dagger' => [['Dagger','dagger']],
'bullet' => [['Bullet','#8226']],
# Special/misc.
'macron' => [['Macron', '#175']],
'diaeresis' => [['Diaeresis','#168']],
'female' => [['Female sign', '#9792']],
'male' => [['Male sign','#9794']],
'phone' => [['Phone sign','#9742']],
'checkmark' => [['Checkmark','#10003']],
'cross' => [['Cross (straight)', '#10799'],['Cross (slanted)','#10007']],
'caret' => [['Caret','#8257'],['Hat', '#94']],
# Arrows
'up arrow' => [['Up arrow','#8593']],
'down arrow' => [['Down arrow','#8595']],
'left arrow' => [['Left arrow','#8592']],
'right arrow' => [['Right arrow', '#8594']],
'up down arrow' => [['Up-down arrow', '#8597']],
'left right arrow' => [['Left-right arrow', '#8596']],
'double sided arrow' => [['Up-down arrow', '#8597'],['Left-right arrow', '#8596']],
'two sided arrow' => [['Up-down arrow', '#8597'],['Left-right arrow', '#8596']],
# Currency
'cent' => [['Cent','cent']],
'dollar' => [['Dollar','#36']],
'us dollar' => [['Dollar','#36']],
'peso' => [['Peso','#36']],
'yen' => [['Yen', 'yen']],
'japanese yen' => [['Yen', 'yen']],
'euro' => [['Euro','euro']],
'currency' => [['Currency sign','curren']],
'british pound' => [['British Pound Sterling','pound']],
'british pound sterling' => [['British Pound Sterling','pound']],
'pound' => [['British Pound Sterling','pound'],['Number sign','#35']], # x-post with number sign, hash
# Math
'divide' => [['Divide','#247']],
'division' => [['Divide','#247']],
'greater than' => [['Greater than','gt']],
'less than' => [['Less than','lt']],
'greater than or equal to' => [['Greater than or equal to','#8805']],
'less than or equal to' => [['Less than or equal to','#8804']],
'nested greater than' => [['Nested greater than','#8811']],
'nested less than' => [['Nested less than','#8810']],
'plus minus' => [['Plus/minus','#177']],
'plus/minus' => [['Plus/minus','#177']],
'+-' => => [['Plus/minus','#177']],
'percent' => [['Percent sign','#37']],
'percentage' => [['Percent sign','#37']],
'per mil' => [['Per mil','permil']],
'per mille' => [['Per mil','permil']],
'per ten thousand' => [['Per ten thousand','#8241']],
'degree' => [['Degree sign','#176']],
'perpendicular' => [['Perpendicular', '#8869']],
'parallel' => [['Parallel', '#8741']],
'non parallel' => [['Non parallel', '#8742']],
'integral' => [['Integral','#8747']],
'double integral' => [['Double integral','#8748']],
'triple integral' => [['Triple integral','#8749']],
'path integral' => [['Path integral','#8750']], # same as path integral (below)
'contour integral' => [['Contour integral','#8750']], # same as contour integral (above)
'therefore' => [['Therefore (mathematics)','#8756']],
'infinity' => [['Infinity','infin']],
'radical' => [['Radical sign','#8730']],
'square root' => [['Square root','#8730']],
'not equal' => [['Not equal','#8800']],
'equivalent' => [['Equivalent','#8801']], # same entity as congruent (below)
'congruent' => [['Congruent','#8801']], # same entity as equivalent (above)
'not equivalent' => [['Not equivalent','#8802']],
'not congruent' => [['Not congruent','#8802']],
'sum' => [['Summation (mathematics)','#8721']],
'summation' => [['Summation (mathematics)','#8721']],
'pi' => [['Pi','#960']],
'reals' => [['Reals (mathematics)','#8477']],
'complexes' => [['Complexes','#8450']],
'imaginary' => [['Imaginary (mathematics)','#8520']],
# Scientific
'micro' => [['Micro', '#181']],
'ohm' => [['Ohm','#8486']],
'mho' => [['Mho','#8487']],
# Typography
'middle dot' => [['Middle dot', 'middot']],
'pilcrow' => [['Pilcrow', '#182']],
'paragraph' => [['Paragraph sign', '#182']],
'section' => [['Section', '#167']],
'section s' => [['Section', '#167']],
'ellipsis' => [['Horizontal ellipsis','#8230']],
'horizontal ellipsis' => [['Horizontal ellipsis','#8230']],
# Accents -- also see the hash %accented_chars
'grave' => [['Grave accent','#96']],
'grave accent' => [['Grave accent','#96']],
'acute' => [['Acute accent','#180']],
'acute accent' => [['Acute accent','#180']],
# Greek
'alpha' => [['Alpha capital','Alpha'],['Alpha small','alpha']],
'beta' => [['Beta capital','Beta'],['Beta small','beta']],
'gamma' => [['Gamma capital','Gamma'],['Gamma small','gamma']],
'phi' => [['Phi capital','Phi'],['Phi small','phi']],
'omega' => [['Omega capital','Omega'],['Omega small','omega']],
'kappa' => [['Kappa capital','Kappa'],['Kappa small','kappa']],
'delta' => [['Delta capital','Delta'],['Delta small','delta']], # also displays a HTML Color Codes Goodie answer - Issue #490
# Shapes
'trapezium' => [['Trapezium', '#9186']],
'parallelogram' => [['Parallelogram', '#9649']],
'spade' => [['Spade (suit)','#9824']],
'club' => [['Club (suit)','#9827']],
'heart' => [['Heart (suit)','#9829']],
'diamond' => [['Diamond (suit)','#9830']],
my %accented_chars = (
'agrave' => [['a-grave','agrave']],
'Agrave' => [['A-grave','Agrave']],
'egrave' => [['e-grave','egrave']],
'Egrave' => [['E-grave','Egrave']],
'igrave' => [['i-grave','igrave']],
'Igrave' => [['I-grave','Igrave']],
'ograve' => [['o-grave','ograve']],
'Ograve' => [['O-grave','Ograve']],
'ugrave' => [['u-grave','ugrave']],
'Ugrave' => [['U-grave','Ugrave']],
'aacute' => [['a-acute','aacute']],
'Aacute' => [['A-acute','Aacute']],
'eacute' => [['e-acute','eacute']],
'Eacute' => [['E-acute','Eacute']],
'iacute' => [['i-acute','iacute']],
'Iacute' => [['I-acute','Iacute']],
'oacute' => [['o-acute','oacute']],
'Oacute' => [['O-acute','Oacute']],
'uacute' => [['u-acute','uacute']],
'Uacute' => [['U-acute','Uacute']],
sub make_text {
# Returns a text string of the form: "Encoded HTML Entity: <<entity>>"
my @input = @{$_[0]};
return join ("\n", map {"Encoded HTML Entity: &$_->[1];"} @input);
sub make_structured_answer {
my ($answer, $question) = @_;
my @input = @$answer;
if (scalar(@input) == 1) {
return {
input => [$input[0][0]],
operation => "HTML Entity Encode",
result => encode_entities("&$input[0][1];")." (&$input[0][1];)",
} else {
my (%output, @output_keys);
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@input) - 1) {
my $rowkey = "$input[$i][0] (" . decode_entities("&$input[$i][1];").")";
$output{$rowkey} = "&$input[$i][1];";
push @output_keys, $rowkey;
return {
templates => {
group => 'list',
options => {
content => 'record'
data => {
title => "$question",
subtitle => "HTML Entity Encode",
record_data => \%output,
record_keys => \@output_keys,
handle remainder => sub {
# General query cleanup
$_ = trim $_; # remove front and back whitespace
$_ =~ s/(\bwhat\s*is\s*(the)?)//ig; # remove "what is the" (optional: the)
$_ =~ s/(\bhow\s*do\s*(i|you|we))//ig; # remove "how do i|you|we"
$_ =~ s/(\bhow\s*to)//ig; # remove "how to"
$_ =~ s/\b(an|the|for|of|in|is|sign|symbol|character|code|encode|encoded|entity|escape|put|embed|get|insert|display|my|(a(?![\s\-*](grave|acute))))\b//ig; # remove filler words (the word boundary anchors ensure 'for' is not removed from "formula")
$_ = trim $_; # remove front and back whitespace that existed in between that may now show up after removing the words above
# Hash-specific query cleanup for better hits
my $hashes_query = $_;
$hashes_query =~ s/\-+/ /g; # change '-' to ' '
$hashes_query =~ s/"|'//g; # remove double and single quotes
$hashes_query =~ s/\s*\?$//g; # remove ending question mark
# Hashes lookup
if ($hashes_query) {
my $key;
my $value;
# Query is for accented character
if ($hashes_query =~ /^([a-zA-Z])\s*(grave|acute)$/i) {
$hashes_query = $1 . lc $2; # $1's capitalization matters for accented characters lookup, lc $2 allows for more freedom in queries
$key = $hashes_query;
$value = $accented_chars{$key};
# Not an accented character -- lookup the $codes hash instead
} else {
$key = lc $hashes_query;
$value = $codes{$key};
# Try again after substitutions if there is no hit
unless (defined $value) {
$key =~ s/brackets/bracket/g;
$key =~ s/quotes/quote/g;
$value = $codes{$key};
# Make final answer
if (defined $value) {
return make_text($value), structured_answer => make_structured_answer($value, $_);
# Query maybe a single typed-in character to encode
# No hits above if we got this far, use encode_entities()
if ( (/^(?:")(?<char>.)(?:")\s*\??$/) # a (captured) single character within double quotes
|| (/^(?:'')(?<char>.)(?:'')\s*\??$/) # or within single quotes
|| (/^(?<char>.)\s*\??$/)) { # or stand-alone
my $entity = encode_entities($+{char});
if ($entity eq $+{char}) { # encode_entities() was unsuccessful and returned the input itself
$entity = ord($+{char}); # get the decimal
$entity = '#' . $entity; # dress it up like a decimal
# Remove '&' and ';' from the output of encode_entities(), these will be added in html
$entity =~ s/^&//g;
$entity =~ s/;$//g;
# Make final answer
my $answer = [[$_, $entity]];
return make_text($answer), structured_answer => make_structured_answer($answer, $_);