
56 lines
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Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::DaysBetween;
# ABSTRACT: Give the number of days between two given dates.
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use DateTime;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::Dates';
triggers start => "days between", "days", "daysbetween", "days_between", "number of days between", "how many days between", "number of days from", "days from", "days since", "how many days since", "number of days since", "days until";
# 'Days since' will calculate days from the specified date to the present date, therefore answer cannot be cached
zci is_cached => 0;
zci answer_type => "days_between";
my $datestring_regex = datestring_regex();
my @months = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
handle remainder => sub {
return unless ($_ =~ qr/^($datestring_regex) (?:(?:and|to|until) )?($datestring_regex)(?:[,]? inclusive)?$/i) || ($_ =~ qr/^($datestring_regex)$/i);
my ($date1, $date2);
if ($1 && $2) {
($date1, $date2) = parse_all_datestrings_to_date($1, $2);
} else {
my $date_object = DateTime->now;
my ($currentDay, $currentMonth, $currentYear) = ($date_object->day(), $date_object->month(), $date_object->year());
my $t = join " ", $currentDay, $months[$currentMonth - 1], $currentYear;
($date1, $date2) = parse_all_datestrings_to_date($1, $t);
return unless ($date1 && $date2);
($date1, $date2) = ($date2, $date1) if ( DateTime->compare($date1, $date2) == 1 );
my $difference = $date1->delta_days($date2);
my $daysBetween = abs($difference->in_units('days'));
my $inclusive = '';
if(/inclusive/) {
$daysBetween += 1;
$inclusive = ', inclusive';
my $startDate = date_output_string($date1);
my $endDate = date_output_string($date2);
return "There are $daysBetween days between $startDate and $endDate$inclusive",
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $daysBetween,
subtitle => "Days between$inclusive $startDate - $endDate"
templates => {
group => "text"