
108 lines
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package DDG::Goodie::Anagram;
# ABSTRACT: Returns an anagram based on the supplied query.
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
my @keywords = qw(anagram anagrams);
my @connectors = qw(of for);
my @commands = qw(find show);
my @triggers;
foreach my $kw (@keywords) {
foreach my $con (@connectors) {
push @triggers, join(' ', $kw, $con); # anagram for, anagrams of, etc.
foreach my $com (@commands) {
push @triggers, join(' ', $com, $kw, $con); # find anagram of, show anagrams for, etc.
push @triggers, $kw; # Trigger order appears to matter, so the bare keywords after the others
triggers start => @triggers;
zci answer_type => "anagram";
zci is_cached => 1;
# Calculate the frequency of the characters in a string
sub calc_freq {
my ($str) = @_;
my %freqs;
for (split //, lc $str) {
$freqs{$_} += 1;
return \%freqs;
my %words = map { chomp; ($_ => undef); } share('words')->slurp; # This will cache letter frequencies as they get used.
my %easter_eggs = (voldemort => 'Tom Riddle');
handle remainder => sub {
my $word = $_;
$word =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
return unless $word; # Need a word.
# Do some normalization to allow for multi-word matches.
my $match_word = lc $word;
$match_word =~ s/[^a-z]//g;
return unless $match_word; # Still need a word!
my $len = length $match_word;
my @output;
if (my $egg = $easter_eggs{lc $word}) {
push @output, $egg;
unless (@output) {
my $query_freq = calc_freq($match_word); # Calculate the letter-freq of the query
foreach (keys %words) {
if (/^[$match_word]{$len}$/i) {
my $w = lc;
next if $w eq $match_word; # Skip word if it's the same as the query
my $f = $words{$w} // calc_freq($w); # Use cached word letter-freq or calculate new
$words{$w} //= $f; # Cache word letter-freq if we didn't have it.
my $is_anagram = 1;
for (keys %$f) {
if ($f->{$_} != $query_freq->{$_}) {
# The letter-freq in a dictionary word must equal that of the query
$is_anagram = 0;
push(@output, $_) if $is_anagram;
my ($response, $operation);
if (@output) {
$response = join ', ', sort { $a cmp $b } @output;
$operation = 'Anagrams of';
} else {
return $response,
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $response,
subtitle => "$operation $word"
templates => {
group => 'text',