
82 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable File

package DDG::Goodie::ABC;
# ABSTRACT: Randomly pick one of several different choices delimited by "or"
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
use List::AllUtils qw/none/;
triggers startend => qw/choose pick select/;
zci answer_type => "choice";
zci is_cached => 0;
handle remainder => sub {
my $query = $_;
# split the query on whitespace and rm whitespace
my @words = grep { length } split /\s+/, $query;
return if query_is_malformed(@words);
# rm every 'or' from the list
my @choices = grep { lc $_ ne 'or' } @words;
my $selection_type = 'Random';
my $selection;
# Easter egg. For queries like:
# 'choose duckduckgo or google or bing or something'
if (my @duck = grep { / \A (?: duck (?: duckgo )? | ddg ) \z /ix } @choices) {
$selection_type = 'Non-random';
$selection = $duck[0];
} else {
# Ensure rand is seeded for each process
# Choose randomly
$selection = $choices[int rand scalar @choices];
# Multi-inputs to single input.
my $last = pop @choices;
my $choice_string = join(', ', @choices) ." or $last";
my $operation = "$selection_type selection from";
return "$selection ($selection_type)",
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => "$selection",
subtitle => "$operation: $choice_string"
templates => {
group => 'text',
moreAt => 0
# The query must look like
# '<choice> or <choice> or <choice>'
# Note this method also prevents choices from being > 1 word long as this
# generates false positives for queries such as
# 'choose from a selection of products like venison, turkey, quail, or fish'
# Returns 0 if the query looks good
# Returns 1 if the query looks malformed
sub query_is_malformed {
my @words = @_;
return 1 if none { lc $_ eq 'or' } @words; # ignore queries like 'i choose'
return 1 if @words <= 1; # ignore queries like 'choose or'
# Ensure every other element of @$words is 'or'
foreach my $i (1..$#words) {
next if $i % 2 == 0; # skip even indices
return 1 if lc $words[$i] ne 'or';
return 0;