* Base created
* YML File Updated
* Codepen logo added
* Logo renamed | urls added
* Initial version added
* Removes unwanted CSS
* Remove codepen logo
* Removes cssanimations.js
* Restructuring things
* Fixes bareword test file issue
* Test File fixed
* CSS Tricks Demos added
* Changes to tile and data
* Title added and styled
* Adds 2 demos to Goodie
* Fixes margin between title and demo
* Modularizing demos
* CSS Animations: Makes code more modular
* Data YML updated
* Fixes no file exist issue
* Minor changes in test file
* Fix: Reduces width of tile, fixes animation overflows
* Feature: CodePen AutoPen Generation added
* Fix: Test File fixed
* Add: Proportional Animations
* Add: Changing transform-origin mid-animation
* Add: Negative transform-origins
* Add: Box shadow magic
* Fix: Fix conflict in CSS
* Update: Removes unnecessary keys
* Fix: Warnings and errors for https
* Fix: Fixes text in demo 1
* Formats: Formats all CSS Stylesheets
* Fix: Handles unnecessary triggering
* Fix: Handles if variables are undefined
* Adds: Adds more test cases
* Fix: Moves logic to a separate sub routine
* Fix: Removes external resource usage