Jira Goodie first (incomplete) version

When a JIRA bug ticket number is searched, this goodie
checked if the ticket is owned by a project hosted on the Apache JIRA bugtracker
or on the Codehause JIRA bugtracker.
A JIRA ticket is formed by a KEY (corresponding to a project) and
a ticket number. The validity of the key is checked before displaying
any result (comparison with hard-coded keys).

This version is runnable but is still incomplete because not every project key
has been added yet.
arroway 2013-05-25 14:07:33 +02:00 committed by Dylan Lloyd
parent d84bdbb1b7
commit f69cb06924
2 changed files with 455 additions and 0 deletions

lib/DDG/Goodie/Jira.pm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
package DDG::Goodie::Jira;
# ABSTRACT returns the URL of an Apache or Codehaus JIRA bug ticket according to its identifier
use DDG::Goodie;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'jira';
primary_example_queries 'ACE-230';
secondary_example_queries '[blah blah] ACE-230 [blah]';
description 'Track Apache JIRA bug tickets';
name 'Apache JIRA';
code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/ApacheJIRA.pm';
category 'programming';
topics 'programming';
attribution web => [ 'https://www.duckduckgo.com', 'DuckDuckGo' ],
github => [ 'https://github.com/duckduckgo', 'duckduckgo'],
twitter => ['http://twitter.com/duckduckgo', 'duckduckgo'];
# Hash referencing Apache JIRA projects (KEY, PROJECT_NAME).
# reference: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa#all
# A ticket identifier is formed by the key of the project and a number: KEY-NUMBER.
my %Apache_JIRA_projects = (
# Ace
"ACE", "ACE",
# ActiveMQ
"AMQ", "ActiveMQ",
"AMQNET", "ActiveMQ .Net",
"APLO", "ActiveMQ Apollo",
"AMQCPP", "ActiveMQ C++ Client",
"BLAZE", "ActiveRealTime",
"STOMP", "Stomp Specification",
# Ant
"EASYANT", "EasyAnt",
"IVY", "Ivy",
"IVYDE", "IvyDE",
# Any 23
"ANY23", "Apache Any23",
# Apache Software Foundation
"ATTIC", "Attic",
"COMDEV", "Community Development",
"INFRA", "Infrastructure",
"LEGAL", "Legal Discuss",
"PRC", "Public Relations",
# Aries
"ARIES", "Aries",
"AVRO", "Avro",
"AXIS", "Axis",
"AXISCPP", "Axis-C++",
"AXIS2", "Axis2",
"TRANSPORTS", "Axis2 Transports",
"AXIS2C", "Axis2-C",
"KAND", "Kandula",
"RAMPART", "Rampart",
"RAMPARTC", "Rampart/C",
"Sandesha2", "SANDESHA2",
"SAVAN", "Savan",
# BigTop
"BIGTOP", "BigTop",
# Buildr
"BUILDR", "Buildr",
# BVal
"BVAL", "BVal",
# C++ Standard Library
"STDCXX", "C++ Standard Library",
"CAMEL", "Camel",
# Cassandra
"CASSANDRA", "Cassandra",
# Cayenne
"CAY", "Cayenne",
# Chemistry
"CMIS", "Chemistry",
"CHUKWA", "Chukwa",
"CLK", "Click",
"CLKE", "Click Eclipse",
# Cloudstack
"CLOUDSTACK", "CloudStack",
# Cocoon
"COCOON", "Cocoon",
"COCOON3", "Cocoon 3",
# Commons
"COMMONSSITE", "Commons All",
"ATTRIBUTES", "Commons Attributes",
"BCEL", "Commons BCEL",
"BEANUTILS", "Commons BeanUtils",
"BETWIXT", "Commons Betwixt",
"BSF", "Commons BSF",
"CHAIN", "Commons Chain",
"CLI", "Commons CLI",
"CODEC", "Commons Codec",
"COLLECTIONS", "Commons Collections",
"COMPRESS", "Commons Compress",
"CONFIGURATION", "Commons Configuration",
"CSV", "Commons CSV",
"DAEMON", "Commons Daemon",
"DBCP", "Commons DBCP",
"DBUTILS", "Commons DbUtils",
"DIGESTER", "Commons Digester",
"DISCOVERY", "Discovery",
"DORMANT", "Commons Dormant",
"EL", "Commons EL",
"EMAIL", "Commons Email",
"EXEC", "Commons Exec",
"FILEUPLOAD", "Commons FileUpload",
"FUNCTOR", "Commons Functor",
"IMAGING", "Commons Imaging",
"IO", "Commons IO",
"JCI", "Commons JCI",
"JCS", "Commons JCS",
"JELLY", "Commons Jelly",
"JEXL", "Commons JEXL",
"JXPATH", "Commons JXPath",
"LANG", "Commons Lang",
"LAUNCHER", "Commons Launcher",
"LOGGING", "Commons Logging",
"MATH", "Commons Math",
"MODELER", "Commons Modeler",
"NET", "Commons Net",
"OGNL", "Commons OGNL",
"POOL", "Commons Pool",
"PRIMITIVES", "Commons Primitives",
"PROXY", "Commons Proxy",
"RESOURCES", "Commons Resources",
"SANDBOX", "Commons Sandbox",
"SANSELAN", "Commons Sanselan",
"SCXML", "Commons SCXML",
"TRANSACTION", "Commons Transaction",
"VALIDATOR", "Commons Validator",
"VFS", "Commons VFS",
# Cordova
"CB", "Apache Cordova",
# CouchDB
"COUCHDB", "CouchDB",
"RAT", "Apache Rat",
"WHISKER", "Apache Whisker",
# Crunch
"CRUNCH", "Crunch",
"CXF", "CXF",
"DOSGI", "CXF Distributed OSGi",
"FEDIZ", "CXF-Fediz",
# DB
"DDLUTILS", "DdlUtils",
"DERBY", "Derby",
"JDO", "JDO",
"TORQUE", "Torque",
"TORQUEOLD", "Torque issues (old)",
# Directory
"DIR", "Directory",
"DIRSERVER", "Directory ApacheDS",
"DIRAPI", "Directory Client API",
"DIRGROOVY", "Directory Groovy LDAP",
"DIRKRB", "Directory Kerberos",
"DIRNAMING", "Directory Naming",
"DIRSHARED", "Directory Shared",
"DIRSTUDIO", "Directory Studio",
"DIRTSEC", "Triplesec",
"ESME", "Enterprise Social Messaging Environment",
# Etch
"ETCH", "Etch",
# Felix
"FELIX", "Felix",
"FLUME", "Flume",
# Forrest
"FOR", "Forrest",
# Geronimo
"DAYTRADER", "DayTrader",
"GBUILD", "GBuild",
"GERONIMO", "Geronimo",
"GERONIMODEVTOOLS", "Geronimo-Devtools",
"GSHELL", "GShell",
"XBEAN", "XBean",
"YOKO", "Yoko - CORBA Server",
# Giraph
"GIRAPH", "Giraph",
# Gora
"GORA", "Apache Gora",
# Gump
"GUMP", "Gump",
# Hadoop
"HADOOP", "Hadoop Common",
"HDFS", "Hadoop HDFS",
"MAPREDUCE", "Hadoop Map/Reduce",
"YARN", "Hadoop YARN",
"HBASE", "HBase",
"HIVE", "Hive",
"PIG", "Pig",
"HAMA", "Hama",
# HTTP Server
"MODPYTHON", "mod_python",
# HttpComponents
"HTTPASYNC", "HttpComponents HttpAsyncClient",
"HTTPCLIENT", "HttpComponents HttpClient",
"HTTPCORE", "HttpComponents HttpCore",
# Incubator
"AMBARI", "Ambari",
"AMBER", "Amber",
"AWF", "Apache AWF",
"BLUR", "Apache Blur",
"DIRECTMEMORY", "Apache DirectMemory",
"DRILL", "Apache Drill",
"HELIX", "Apache Helix",
"S4", "Apache S4",
"CELIX", "Celix",
"CLEREZZA", "Clerezza",
"DELTASPIKE", "DeltaSpike",
"DMAP", "DeviceMap",
"DROIDS", "Droids",
"EMPIREDB", "Empire-DB",
"FALCON", "Falcon",
"HCATALOG", "HCatalog",
"INCUBATOR", "Incubator",
"JCLOUDS", "jclouds",
"KALUMET", "Kalumet",
"KITTY", "Kitty",
"LUCENENET", "Lucene.Net",
"MARMOTTA", "Marmotta",
"MESOS", "Mesos",
"NPANDAY", "NPanday",
"NUVEM", "Nuvem",
"ODFTOOLKIT", "ODF Toolkit",
"PODLINGNAMESEARCH", "Podling Suitable Names Search",
"SIS", "Spatial Information Systems",
"STANBOL", "Stanbol",
"TASHI", "Tashi",
"VCL", "VCL",
"WOOKIE", "Wookie",
"ZETACOMP", "Zeta Components",
# Isis
"ISIS", "Isis",
# Jackrabbit
"JCR", "Jackrabbit Content Repository",
"JCRBENCH", "Jackrabbit JCR Benchmark",
"JCRCL", "Jackrabbit JCR Classloader",
"JCRSERVLET", "Jackrabbit JCR Servlets",
"JCRTCK", "Jackrabbit JCR Tests",
"JCRRMI", "Jackrabbit JCR-RMI",
"OAK", "Jackrabbot Oak",
"OCM", "Jackrabbit OCM",
"JCRSITE", "Jackrabbit Site",
# James
"IMAP", "James Imap",
"JSIEVE", "James jSieve",
"JSPF", "James jSPF",
"MAILET", "James Mailet",
"MIME4J", "James Mime4j",
"MPT", "James MPT",
"POSTAGE", "James Postage",
"PROTOCOLS", "James Protocols",
"JAMES", "James Server",
# Jena
"JENA", "Apache Jena",
"SCOUT", "Scout",
"KAFKA", "Kafka",
# Karaf
"KARAF", "Karaf",
# Labs
"LABS", "Labs",
"HTTPDRAFT", "Labs WebArch draft-fielding-http",
# Libcloud
"LIBCLOUD", "Libcloud",
# Logging
"LOGCXX", "Log4cxx",
"LOG4J2", "Log4j2",
"LOG4NET", "Log4net",
"LOG4PHP", "Log4php",
"LUCENE", "Lucene - Core",
"LUCY", "Lucy",
"MAHOUT", "Mahout",
"ORP", "Open Relevance Project",
"PyLucene", "PyLucene",
"SOLR", "Solr",
# ManifoldCF
"CONNECTORS", "ManifoldCF",
# Maven
"MPOM", "Maven POMs",
"ASYNCWEB", "Asyncweb",
"FTPSERVER", "FtpServer",
"MRUNIT", "MRUnit",
# MyFaces
"ADFFACES", "MyFaces ADF-Faces",
"EXTCDI", "MyFaces CODI",
"MFCOMMONS", "MyFaces Commons",
"MYFACES", "MyFaces Core",
"EXTSCRIPT", "MyFaces Extensions Scripting",
"EXTVAL", "MyFaces Core",
# More to come
my %Codehaus_JIRA_projects = (
"TEST", "Test",
# More to come
triggers query => qr/^(.*\s)*([A-Z0-9]{2,}\-[\d]{1,})\s*(.*)$/i;
handle query => sub {
my $bugticket = $2 || '';
my $project_key = '';
my $ticket_id = '';
my $apache_project_name = '';
my $codehaus_project_name = '';
# Online JIRA Bugtrackers
my $is_apache = 0; # issues.apache.org/jira
my $is_codehaus = 0; # jira.codehaus.org
my $html_return = '';
# Check the project key is valid.
if ($bugticket =~ m/([A-Z0-9]{2,})\-([\d]{1,})/){
$project_key = $1;
$ticket_id = $2;
# Check the project key is valid
if ($ticket_id and $project_key){
$is_apache = 1 if $apache_project_name = $Apache_JIRA_projects{$project_key};
$is_codehaus = 1 if $codehaus_project_name = $Codehaus_JIRA_projects{$project_key};
if ($is_apache || $is_codehaus){
$html_return .= qq($apache_project_name on Apache JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/$bugticket">$bugticket</a>.<br>) if $is_apache;;
$html_return .= qq($codehaus_project_name on Codehaus JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/$bugticket">$bugticket</a>.) if $is_codehaus;;
return $bugticket, heading => 'JIRA Bugtracker', html => $html_return;

t/Jira.t Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
zci answer_type => 'jira';
zci is_cached => 1;
[qw( DDG::Goodie::Jira)],
'ACE-230' => test_zci(
heading => 'JIRA Bugtracker',
html => qq(ACE on Apache JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACE-230">ACE-230</a>.<br>)
'jira ACE-230' => test_zci(
heading => 'JIRA Bugtracker',
html => qq(ACE on Apache JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACE-230">ACE-230</a>.<br>)
'ACE-230 bug' => test_zci(
heading => 'JIRA Bugtracker',
html => qq(ACE on Apache JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACE-230">ACE-230</a>.<br>)
'jira ACE-230 bug' => test_zci(
heading => 'JIRA Bugtracker',
html => qq(ACE on Apache JIRA Bugtracker: see ticket <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACE-230">ACE-230</a>.<br>)