HexToASCII: display information about invisible characters

- Reduce the number of entered characters to 128, since we can't be sure
  of the display width any more.
- Show "invisible characters" (unprintable + non-space whitespace) in a
  special format
Matt Miller 2014-01-04 08:08:11 +08:00
parent 42a81dab94
commit ea6662ef38
2 changed files with 69 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
# Used to restrict long generated outputs
use constant MAX_OUTPUT_LEN => 256;
use constant MAX_INPUT_CHARS => 128;
triggers start => 'ascii';
zci is_cached => 1;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => 'ascii';
primary_example_queries 'ascii 0x74657374';
@ -26,23 +26,74 @@ handle remainder => sub {
my $value = $_;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($value =~ /^(?:[0\\]x)?([0-9a-f]+)$/i or
$value =~ /^([0-9a-f]+)h?$/i) {
my @digits = $1 =~ /(..)/g;
my $string = '';
foreach my $digit (@digits) {
my $hex = hex $digit;
return if $hex <= 0x1F || $hex >= 0x7F;
$string .= chr $hex;
# Don't let long strings make the output untidy
if (length($string) > MAX_OUTPUT_LEN) {
$string = substr($string, 0, MAX_OUTPUT_LEN - 3) . '...';
$string =~ s/\n/ /g;
return "$string (ASCII)";
if ( $value =~ /^(?:[0\\]x)?([0-9a-f]+)$/i
or $value =~ /^([0-9a-f]+)h?$/i)
my @digits = $1 =~ /(..)/g;
my @chars;
foreach my $digit (@digits) {
my $hex = hex $digit;
return if $hex > 0x7F;
push @chars, printable_chr($hex);
# Don't let long strings make the output untidy
if (scalar @chars > MAX_INPUT_CHARS) {
@chars = (@chars[0 .. MAX_INPUT_CHARS], '...');
return join('', @chars) . " (ASCII)";
# Some of these are actually printable whitespace, but
# for consistency, we'll make them discoverable, too.
my %invisibles = (
0x00 => { abbr => 'NUL', desc => 'null' },
0x01 => { abbr => 'SOH', desc => 'start of heading' },
0x02 => { abbr => 'STX', desc => 'start of text' },
0x03 => { abbr => 'ETX', desc => 'end of text' },
0x04 => { abbr => 'EOT', desc => 'end of tranmision' },
0x05 => { abbr => 'ENQ', desc => 'enquiry' },
0x06 => { abbr => 'ACK', desc => 'acknowledge' },
0x07 => { abbr => 'BEL', desc => 'bell', },
0x08 => { abbr => 'BS', desc => 'backspace', },
0x09 => { abbr => 'TAB', desc => 'horizontal tab', },
0x0A => { abbr => 'LF', desc => 'linefeed', },
0x0B => { abbr => 'VT', desc => 'vertical tab', },
0x0C => { abbr => 'FF', desc => 'form feed', },
0x0D => { abbr => 'CR', desc => 'carriage return', },
0x0E => { abbr => 'SO', desc => 'shift out', },
0x0F => { abbr => 'SI', desc => 'shift in', },
0x10 => { abbr => 'DLE', desc => 'data link escape', },
0x11 => { abbr => 'DC1', desc => 'device control 1', },
0x12 => { abbr => 'DC2', desc => 'device control 2', },
0x13 => { abbr => 'DC3', desc => 'device control 3', },
0x14 => { abbr => 'DC4', desc => 'device control 4', },
0x15 => { abbr => 'NAK', desc => 'negative acknowledge', },
0x16 => { abbr => 'SYN', desc => 'synchronous idle', },
0x17 => { abbr => 'ETB', desc => 'end of transmission block', },
0x18 => { abbr => 'CAN', desc => 'cancel', },
0x19 => { abbr => 'EM', desc => 'end of medium', },
0x1A => { abbr => 'SUB', desc => 'substitute', },
0x1B => { abbr => 'ESC', desc => 'escape', },
0x1C => { abbr => 'FS', desc => 'file separator', },
0x1D => { abbr => 'GS', desc => 'group separator', },
0x1E => { abbr => 'RS', desc => 'record separator', },
0x1F => { abbr => 'US', desc => 'unit separator', },
0x7F => { abbr => 'DEL', desc => 'delete', },
sub printable_chr {
my ($hex) = @_;
my $printable;
if (my $char_info = $invisibles{$hex}) {
$printable = '<span style="background-color: #ddd" title="' . $char_info->{desc} . '">[' . $char_info->{abbr} . ']</span>';
} else {
$printable = chr $hex;
return $printable;

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
'ascii 0x7465007374' => test_zci('te<span style="background-color: #ddd" title="null">[NUL]</span>st (ASCII)'),
'ascii 0x74657374' => test_zci('test (ASCII)'),
'ascii 0x5468697320697320612074657374' => test_zci('This is a test (ASCII)'),