@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
"id": "haxe_operators_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Haxe",
"description": "Operators of Haxe programming language.",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Haxe Language Reference",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"haxe ops",
"haxelang ops",
"haxelang operators"
"section_order": [
"Bitwise Assignment",
"template_type": "code",
"sections": {
"Arithmetic": [
"key": "++",
"val": "increment (unary, post- & pre-fix)"
"key": "--",
"val": "decrement (unary, post- & pre-fix)"
"key": "+",
"val": "addition"
"key": "-",
"val": "substract"
"key": "-",
"val": "negate an expression (unary, prefix)"
"key": "/",
"val": "divide"
"key": "*",
"val": "multiply"
"key": "%",
"val": "modulo"
"Bitwise": [
"key": "~",
"val": "bitwise negation (unary, prefix)"
"key": "<<",
"val": "left bit shift"
"key": ">>",
"val": "right bit shift"
"key": ">>>",
"val": "right unsigned bit shift"
"key": "|",
"val": "bitwise OR"
"key": "&",
"val": "bitwise AND"
"key": "^",
"val": "bitwise XOR"
"Comparison": [
"key": "==",
"val": "equality"
"key": "!=",
"val": "inequality"
"key": ">",
"val": "greater than"
"key": "<",
"val": "less than"
"key": ">=",
"val": "greater than or equal to"
"key": "<=",
"val": "less than or equal to"
"Conditional": [
"key": "&&",
"val": "logical AND"
"key": "||",
"val": "logical OR"
"key": "!",
"val": "logical NOT, inverts the boolean. (unary, prefix)"
"key": "?:",
"val": "ternary operator. e.g. `condition ? then_expr : else_expr`"
"Assignment": [
"key": "=",
"val": "assign"
"key": "+=",
"val": "addition assignment"
"key": "-=",
"val": "subtraction assignment"
"key": "*=",
"val": "multiplication assignment"
"key": "/=",
"val": "division assignment"
"key": "%=",
"val": "modulo assignment"
"Bitwise Assignment": [
"key": "<<=",
"val": "bitwise left shift assignment"
"key": ">>=",
"val": "bitwise right shift assignment"
"key": ">>>=",
"val": "right unsigned bitwise shift assignment"
"key": "|=",
"val": "bitwise OR assignment"
"key": "&=",
"val": "bitwise AND assignment"
"key": "^=",
"val": "bitwise XOR assignment"
"Extra": [
"key": "=>",
"val": "Extractor in the Pattern Matching expressions"
"key": "=>",
"val": "Separator in the key-value pare of short Map expression. e.g. `[key => value]`"
"key": "...",
"val": "Iterator, e.g. `0...42` creates an Iterator<Int> from 0 to 41."
"key": "!",
"val": "nothing, unless defined on an abstract. (unary, postfix)"
"key": "=>",
"val": "nothing, unless defined on an abstract. (unary, postfix)"
"key": "||=",
"val": "nothing, unless defined on an abstract."
"key": "&&=",
"val": "nothing, unless defined on an abstract."
Reference in New Issue