Merge pull request #3651 from amarlearning/amarlearning-pygame-cheat-sheet

Pygame cheat sheet
Daniel Davis 2016-10-05 16:33:03 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit dd3fff7155
1 changed files with 131 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
"id": "pygame_cheat_sheet",
"name": "pygame",
"description": "A reference to the Pygame 2D game framework",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Pygame Documentation",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"pygame tutorial",
"basic pygame",
"pygame 2d framework",
"pygame package",
"pygame python module"
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Load and Launch Pygame",
"Surfaces, Images, and Transformations",
"sections": {
"Load and Launch Pygame" : [
"key": "import pygame",
"val": "Imports the package with all the available Pygame modules."
"key": "pygame.init()",
"val": "This calls to 'pygame.init()' initializes each of these modules."
"Display": [
"key": "pygame.display.update()",
"val": "Redraws the main display surface if argument list is empty."
"key": "pygame.display.get_surface()",
"val": "Returns a reference to the Surface instantiated with the set_mode() function."
"key": "screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))",
"val": "Initializes and creates the window where your game will run."
"Surfaces, Images, and Transformations": [
"key": "Surface.fill(color)",
"val": "Fills surface with a solid color. The argument is a tuple of RGB values.\ne.g. (255,0,255)."
"key": "Surface.convert()",
"val": "Changes pixel format of the Surfaces image to the format used by the main display."
"key": "Surface.convert_alpha()",
"val": "Same as above, but when the Surfaces image has alpha transparency values to deal with."
"key": "Surface.get_rect()",
"val": "Returns a Rect that will tell you the dimensions and location of the surface."
"key": "pygame.image.load(filename)",
"val": "Loads image from disk and returns a Surface."
"key": "pygame.transform.rotate(Surface, angle)",
"val": "Rotates Surface counterclockwise by degrees."
"key": "pygame.transform.scale(Surface, (width, height))",
"val": "Resizes Surface to new resolution."
"key": "Surface.blit(sourceSurface, destinationRect, optionalSourceRect)",
"val": "Copies pixels from one Surface to another. Used to draw images to the screen."
"Rects": [
"key": "Rect.move(x, y) ",
"val": "Returns a Rect moved x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically."
"key": "Rect.move_ip(x, y)",
"val": "Moves the Rect x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically."
"Time": [
"key": "pygame.time.Clock()",
"val": "Creates a Clock object."
"key": "pygame.time.delay(milliseconds)",
"val": "Pauses game for time specified."
"key": "pygame.time.get_ticks()",
"val": "Returns the number of milliseconds passed since pygame.init() was called."
"Events": [
"key": "pygame.event.get()",
"val": "Call once per frame to get a list of events that occurred since the last time pygame.event.get() was called."
"Fonts": [
"key": "f = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)",
"val": "Creates a font object of size 32 using the default system font."
"key": "sf = f.render(“Hello”, 1, color, color)",
"val": "Creates a surface of rendered text using the font of the font object."