Merge pull request #508 from mwmiller/power_up

Calculator: improve exponent handling
Jag Talon 2014-07-03 10:35:14 -04:00
commit ce25bf6afa
2 changed files with 150 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -49,18 +49,14 @@ triggers query_nowhitespace => qr<
# 'thousands' assumption) I am going to pretend that I do need it.
# If it could fit more than one the first in order gets preference.
my @known_styles = ({
id => 'perl',
decimal => '\.',
sub_decimal => '.',
thousands => ',',
sub_thousands => ',',
id => 'perl',
decimal => '.',
thousands => ',',
id => 'euro',
decimal => ',',
sub_decimal => ',',
thousands => '\.',
sub_thousands => '.',
id => 'euro',
decimal => ',',
thousands => '.',
@ -155,52 +151,115 @@ handle query_nowhitespace => sub {
return unless (defined $precision || ($tmp_result =~ /^(?:\-|)[0-9\.]+$/));
# Ok, this might be overkill on flexibility.
$tmp_result = sprintf('%0' . $perl_style->{sub_decimal} . $precision . 'f', $tmp_result) if ($precision);
$tmp_result = sprintf('%0' . $perl_style->{decimal} . $precision . 'f', $tmp_result) if ($precision);
# Dollars.
$tmp_result = '$' . $tmp_result if ($query =~ /^\$/);
# Query for display.
my $tmp_q = $query;
# Drop equals.
$tmp_q =~ s/\=$//;
$tmp_q =~ s/((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)/\($1 * 10^$2\)/;
# Copy
$results_no_html = $results_html = $tmp_q;
# Superscript (before spacing).
$results_html =~ s/\^($numbery|\b$ored_constants\b)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
($results_no_html, $results_html) = map { spacing($_) } ($results_no_html, $results_html);
return if $results_no_html =~ /^\s/;
# Add proper separators.
$tmp_result = $style->{make_pretty}->($tmp_result);
# Now add = back.
$results_no_html .= ' = ';
my $results = prepare_for_display($query, $tmp_result);
return $results_no_html . $tmp_result,
html => wrap_html($results_html, $tmp_result),
return if $results->{text} =~ /^\s/;
return $results->{text},
html => $results->{html},
heading => "Calculator";
# Add some HTML and styling to our output
# so that we can make it prettier (unabashedly stolen from
# the ReverseComplement goodie.)
sub append_css {
my $html = shift;
state $css = share("style.css")->slurp;
return "<style type='text/css'>$css</style>$html";
sub prepare_for_display {
my ($query, $result) = @_;
# Equals varies by output type.
$query =~ s/\=$//;
# Show them how 'E' was interpreted.
$query =~ s/((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)/\($1 * 10^$2\)/;
return {
text => format_text($query, $result),
html => format_html($query, $result),
sub wrap_html {
my ($entered, $result) = @_;
return append_css("<div class='zci--calculator'>$entered = <a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.x.q.value=\"$result\";document.x.q.focus();'>$result</a></div>");
# Format query for HTML
sub format_html {
my ($query, $result) = @_;
state $css = '<style type="text/css">' . share("style.css")->slurp . '</style>';
$query = _add_html_exponents($query);
. "<div class='zci--calculator'>"
. spacing($query)
. " = <a href='javascript:;' onclick='document.x.q.value=\"$result\";document.x.q.focus();'>"
. $result
. "</a></div>";
sub _add_html_exponents {
my $string = shift;
return $string if ($string !~ /\^/ or $string =~ /^\^|\^$/); # Give back the same thing if we won't deal with it properly.
my @chars = split //, $string;
my ($start_tag, $end_tag) = ('<sup>', '</sup>');
my ($newly_up, $in_exp_number, $in_exp_parens, %power_parens);
my ($parens_count, $number_up) = (0, 0);
# because of associativity and power-to-power, we need to scan nearly the whole thing
for my $index (1 .. $#chars - 1) {
my $this_char = $chars[$index];
if ($this_char =~ $numbery) {
if ($newly_up) {
$in_exp_number = 1;
$newly_up = 0;
} elsif ($this_char eq '(') {
$parens_count += 1;
$in_exp_number = 0;
if ($newly_up) {
$in_exp_parens += 1;
$power_parens{$parens_count} = 1;
$newly_up = 0;
} elsif ($this_char eq '^') {
$chars[$index - 1] =~ s/$end_tag$//; # Added too soon!
$number_up += 1;
$newly_up = 1;
$chars[$index] = $start_tag; # Replace ^ with the tag.
} elsif ($in_exp_number) {
$in_exp_number = 0;
$number_up -= 1;
$chars[$index] = $end_tag . $chars[$index];
} elsif ($number_up && !$in_exp_parens) {
# Must have ended another term or more
$chars[$index] = ($end_tag x ($number_up - 1)) . $chars[$index];
$number_up = 0;
} elsif ($this_char eq ')') {
# We just closed a set of parens, see if it closes one of our things
if ($in_exp_parens && $power_parens{$parens_count}) {
$chars[$index] .= $end_tag;
delete $power_parens{$parens_count};
$in_exp_parens -= 1;
$parens_count -= 1;
$chars[-1] .= $end_tag x $number_up if ($number_up);
return join('', @chars);
# Format query for text
sub format_text {
my ($query, $result) = @_;
return spacing($query) . ' = ' . $result;
#separates symbols with a space
@ -244,13 +303,13 @@ sub _well_formed_for_style_func {
return sub {
my $number = shift;
return (
$number =~ /^[\d$thousands$decimal]+$/
$number =~ /^(\d|\Q$thousands\E|\Q$decimal\E)+$/
# Only contains things we understand.
&& ($number !~ /$thousands/ || ($number !~ /$thousands\d{1,2}\b/ && $number !~ /$thousands\d{4,}/ && $number !~ /^0\Q$thousands\E/))
&& ($number !~ /\Q$thousands\E/ || ($number !~ /\Q$thousands\E\d{1,2}\b/ && $number !~ /\Q$thousands\E\d{4,}/ && $number !~ /^0\Q$thousands\E/))
# You can leave out thousands breaks, but the ones you put in must be in the right place
# which does not include following an initial 0.
# Note that this does not confirm that they put all the 'required' ones in.
&& ($number !~ /$decimal/ || $number !~ /$decimal(?:.*)?(?:$decimal|$thousands)/)
&& ($number !~ /\Q$decimal\E/ || $number !~ /\Q$decimal\E(?:.*)?(?:\Q$decimal\E|\Q$thousands\E)/)
# You can omit the decimal but you cannot have another decimal or thousands after:
) ? 1 : 0;
@ -259,14 +318,13 @@ sub _well_formed_for_style_func {
# Returns function which given a number in a certain style, makes it nice for human eyes.
sub _display_style_func {
my ($style, $perl_style) = @_;
my ($decimal, $sub_decimal, $sub_thousands, $perl_dec) =
(@{$style}{qw(decimal sub_decimal sub_thousands)}, $perl_style->{decimal}); # Unpacked for easier regex-building
my ($decimal, $thousands, $perl_dec) = (@{$style}{qw(decimal thousands)}, $perl_style->{decimal}); # Unpacked for easier regex-building
return sub {
my $text = shift;
$text = reverse $text;
$text =~ s/$perl_dec/$sub_decimal/g;
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*$decimal)/$1$sub_thousands/g;
$text =~ s/\Q$perl_dec\E/$decimal/g;
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\Q$decimal\E)/$1$thousands/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
@ -275,13 +333,13 @@ sub _display_style_func {
# Returns function which given a number in a certain style, makes it safe for perl eval.
sub _prepare_for_computation_func {
my ($style, $perl_style) = @_;
my ($decimal, $thousands, $perl_dec) = (@{$style}{qw(decimal thousands)}, $perl_style->{sub_decimal});
my ($decimal, $thousands, $perl_dec) = (@{$style}{qw(decimal thousands)}, $perl_style->{decimal});
return sub {
my $number_text = shift;
$number_text =~ s/$thousands//g; # Remove thousands seps, since they are just visual.
$number_text =~ s/$decimal/$perl_dec/g; # Make sure decimal mark is something perl knows how to use.
$number_text =~ s/\Q$thousands\E//g; # Remove thousands seps, since they are just visual.
$number_text =~ s/\Q$decimal\E/$perl_dec/g; # Make sure decimal mark is something perl knows how to use.
return $number_text;
@ -295,7 +353,7 @@ sub _precision_for_style_func {
return sub {
my $number_text = shift;
return ($number_text =~ /$decimal(\d+)/) ? length($1) : 0;
return ($number_text =~ /\Q$decimal\E(\d+)/) ? length($1) : 0;

View File

@ -305,6 +305,11 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#2 squared<sup>3</sup> = #,
'2 squared ^ 3.06' => test_zci(
'2 squared ^ 3.06 = 323.972172143725',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#2 squared<sup>3\.06</sup> = #,
'2^3 squared' => test_zci(
'2 ^ 3 squared = 512',
heading => 'Calculator',
@ -325,6 +330,41 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr/./,
'(pi^4+pi^5)^(1/6)' => test_zci(
'(pi ^ 4 + pi ^ 5) ^ (1 / 6) = 2.71828180861191',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#\(pi<sup>4</sup> \+ pi<sup>5</sup>\)<sup>\(1 / 6\)</sup> =#,
'(pi^4+pi^5)^(1/6)+1' => test_zci(
'(pi ^ 4 + pi ^ 5) ^ (1 / 6) + 1 = 3.71828180861191',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#\(pi<sup>4</sup> \+ pi<sup>5</sup>\)<sup>\(1 / 6\)</sup> \+ 1 =#,
'(pi^4.1^(5-4)+pi^(5-(4^2 -8)))^(1/6)+1' => test_zci(
'(pi ^ 4.1 ^ (5 - 4) + pi ^ (5 - (4 ^ 2 - 8))) ^ (1 / 6) + 1 = 3.18645452799383',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#\(pi<sup>4.1<sup>\(5 - 4\)</sup></sup> \+ pi<sup>\(5 - \(4<sup>2</sup> - 8\)\)</sup>\)<sup>\(1 / 6\)</sup> \+ 1 =#,
'5^4^(3-2)^1' => test_zci(
'5 ^ 4 ^ (3 - 2) ^ 1 = 625',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#5<sup>4<sup>\(3 - 2\)<sup>1</sup></sup></sup> =#,
'(5-4)^(3-2)^1' => test_zci(
'(5 - 4) ^ (3 - 2) ^ 1 = 1',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#\(5 - 4\)<sup>\(3 - 2\)<sup>1</sup></sup> =#,
'(5+4-3)^(2-1)' => test_zci(
'(5 + 4 - 3) ^ (2 - 1) = 6',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#\(5 \+ 4 - 3\)<sup>\(2 - 1\)</sup> =#,
'5^((4-3)*(2+1))+6' => test_zci(
'5 ^ ((4 - 3) * (2 + 1)) + 6 = 131',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qr#5<sup>\(\(4 - 3\) \* \(2 \+ 1\)\)</sup> \+ 6 =#,
'sin(1.0) + 1,05' => undef,
'4,24,334+22,53,828' => undef,
'5234534.34.54+1' => undef,