Merge pull request #3191 from MathewtheCoder/kali

Added Kali Linux Cheatsheet!!
Olivia Haas 2016-06-07 14:22:56 -04:00
commit c8e01525a4
1 changed files with 285 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
"id": "kali_linux_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Kali Linux",
"description": "Kali Linux Commands",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "NullByte",
"sourceUrl" : ""
"aliases": [
"kali", "kali linux commandline"
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Basic Commands",
"File System Commands",
"Networking Commands",
"System Commands",
"User Interface Commands",
"Privilege Escalation Commands",
"Password Dump Commands",
"Timestomp Commands"
"sections": {
"Basic Commands": [
"key": "?",
"val": "help menu"
"key": "background",
"val": "moves the current session to the background"
"key": "bgkill",
"val": "kills a background meterpreter script"
"key": "bglist",
"val": "provides a list of all running background scripts"
"key": "bgrun",
"val": "runs a script as a background thread"
"key": "channel",
"val": "displays active channels"
"key": "close",
"val": "closes a channel"
"key": "exit",
"val": "terminates a meterpreter session help menu"
"key": "help",
"val": "help menu"
"key": "interact",
"val": "interacts with a channel"
"key": "irb",
"val": "go into ruby scripting mode"
"key": "migrate",
"val": "moves the active process to designated PID"
"key": "quit",
"val": "terminates the meterpreter session"
"key": "read",
"val": "reads the data from a channel"
"key": "run",
"val": "executes the meterpreter script designated after it"
"key": "use",
"val": "loads a meterpreter script"
"key": "write",
"val": "writes data to a channel"
"File System Commands": [
"key": "cat",
"val": " read and output to stdout the contents of a file"
"key": "cd",
"val": "change directory on the victim"
"key": "del",
"val": "delete a file on the victim"
"key": "download",
"val": "download a file from the victim system to the attacker system"
"key": "edit",
"val": " edit a file with vim"
"key": "getlwd",
"val": "print the local directory"
"key": "getwd",
"val": "print working directory"
"key": "lcd",
"val": "change local directory"
"key": "lpwd",
"val": "print local directory"
"key": "ls",
"val": "list files in current directory"
"key": "mkdir",
"val": " make a directory on the victim system"
"key": "pwd",
"val": "print working directory"
"key": "rm",
"val": "delete a file"
"key": "rmdir",
"val": "remove directory on the victim system"
"key": "upload",
"val": "upload a file from the attacker system to the victim"
"Networking Commands": [
"key": "ipconfig",
"val": "displays network interfaces with key information including IP address, etc"
"key": "portfwd",
"val": "forwards a port on the victim system to a remote service"
"key": "route",
"val": "view or modify the victim routing table"
"System Commands": [
"key": "clearav",
"val": "clears the event logs on the victim's computer"
"key": "drop_token",
"val": "drops a stolen token"
"key": "execute",
"val": "executes a command"
"key": "getpid",
"val": "gets the current process ID (PID)"
"key": "getprivs",
"val": "gets as many privileges as possible"
"key": "getuid",
"val": "get the user that the server is running as"
"key": "kill",
"val": "terminate the process designated by the PID"
"key": "ps",
"val": "list running processes"
"key": "reboot",
"val": "reboots the victim computer"
"key": "reg",
"val": "interact with the victim's registry"
"key": "rev2self",
"val": "calls RevertToSelf() on the victim machine"
"key": "shutdown",
"val": "shuts down the victim's computer"
"key": "steal_token",
"val": "attempts to steal the token of a specified (PID) process"
"key": "sysinfo",
"val": "gets the details about the victim computer such as OS and name"
"User Interface Commands": [
"key": "enumdesktops",
"val": "lists all accessible desktops"
"key": "getdesktop",
"val": "get the current meterpreter desktop"
"key": "idletime",
"val": "checks to see how long since the victim system has been idle"
"key": "keyscan_dump",
"val": "dumps the contents of the software keylogger"
"key": "keyscan_stop",
"val": "starts the software keylogger when associated with a process such as Word or browser"
"key": "screenshot",
"val": "grabs a screenshot of the meterpreter desktop"
"key": "set_desktop",
"val": "changes the meterpreter desktop"
"key": "uictl",
"val": "enables control of some of the user interface components"
"Privilege Escalation Commands": [
"key": "getsystem",
"val": "uses 15 built-in methods to gain sysadmin privileges"
"Password Dump Commands": [
"key": "hashdump",
"val": "grabs the hashes in the password (SAM) file"
"Timestomp Commands": [
"key": "timestomp",
"val": "manipulates the modify, access, and create attributes of a file"