New XAML Goodie (#4307)

* xaml.json for cheatsheet

* Pull request feedback implemented
Jason Herman 2017-08-23 17:13:12 -06:00 committed by Rob Emery
parent 041e38b003
commit 817a8ee122
1 changed files with 192 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
"id": "xaml_cheat_sheet",
"name": "XAML",
"description": "XAML for WPF Cheat Sheet. Extensible Application Markup Language is an XML-based markup language developed by Microsoft. Cheat Sheet includes Data Binding, Styles and Triggers, Resources, Transforms, Brushes, and Layout.",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "",
"sourceUrl" : ""
"aliases": [
"xaml for wpf", "xaml data binding", "xaml styles and triggers", "xaml resources",
"xaml transforms", "xaml brushes","xaml layout","xaml snippets"
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Data Binding","Styles and Triggers", "Resources", "Transforms", "Brushes", "Layout"
"sections": {
"Data Binding": [
"key": "{Binding}",
"val": "Binds the current DataContext"
"key": "{Binding propertyName}",
"val": "Binds the property of the current DataContext"
"key": "{Binding Source={StaticResourceresName}}",
"val": "Binds to a staticresource such as a string"
"key": "{Binding ElementName= elementName, Path= propertyName}",
"val": "Binds to the property of the given element"
"key": "{TemplateBindingpropertyName}",
"val": "Binds to the template parents given property inside a ControlTemplate"
"key": "<XmlDataProvider x:Key=\"name\" Source=\"filePath\" />",
"val": "Added to resources to allow xml data binding"
"key": "IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem=\"True\"",
"val": "Synchronizes elements bound to same data source"
"Styles and Triggers": [
"key": "<Style x:Key=”styleName”>",
"val": "Style applied to elements that set this style"
"key": "<SetterProperty=”propertyName”Value=”value”/>",
"val": "Setter sets a property of the current target type"
"key": "<Style.Triggers>",
"val": "Holds Triggers to set a style dependant on event"
"key": "<Trigger Property=”propertyName” Value=”value”>",
"val": "Triggered when dependency property is set"
"key": "<DataTriggerBinding=\"{BindingPath=propertyName}\"Value=\"theValue\">",
"val": "Triggered when bound value is set"
"key": "<EventTriggerRoutedEvent=”eventName”>",
"val": "Triggered when the given routed event is fired"
"Resources": [
"key": "<element Name.Resources>",
"val": "Holds resources accessible to anything under the element"
"key": "<system:String x:Key=\"resName\">stringValue </system:String>",
"val": "Creates a string resource"
"key": "<SolidColorBrush x:Key=\"resName\"Color=\"colourValue\" />",
"val": "Placed inside Resources tag, creates a resource with the value"
"key": "StaticResource",
"val": "Applied once, when needed"
"key": "DynamicResource",
"val": "Applied as the resources changes"
"key": "Fill=\"{StaticResourceresName}\"",
"val": "Sets fill to the resource"
"Transforms": [
"key": "LayoutTransform",
"val": "Holds transform or group, executed before layout, moves surrounding elements"
"key": "RenderTransform",
"val": "Holds transform or group executed before layout, create overlapping elements"
"key": "TransformGroup",
"val": "Used to hold multiple transforms"
"key": "RotateTransform",
"val": "Rotates the given element by setting Angle, CenterX and CenterY"
"key": "TranslateTransform",
"val": "Moves elements based on X and Y"
"key": "SkewTransform",
"val": "Skews the given element using AngleX AngleY, CenterX and CenterY"
"key": "MatrixTransform",
"val": "Complex transform based on matrix"
"Brushes": [
"key": "SolidColorBrush",
"val": "A solid colour brush"
"key": "LinearGradientBrush",
"val": "Gradient brush using GradientStops"
"key": "RadialGradientBrush",
"val": "Gradient radiating out from a point"
"key": "ImageBrush",
"val": "Brush from an ImageSource"
"key": "DrawingBrush",
"val": "Brush based on a given GeometryDrawing"
"key": "VisualBrush",
"val": "Brush using a visual elements image"
"Layout": [
"key": "Window",
"val": "Primary container for windows applications"
"key": "Page",
"val": "Container with navigation support"
"key": "StackPanel",
"val": "Horizontal or Vertical stacking of elements"
"key": "Grid",
"val": "Grid layout via Grid.Row and Grid.Column"
"key": "Canvas",
"val": "Arrange elements using X and Y co-ordinates"
"key": "WrapPanel",
"val": "Horizontal or Vertical wrapping of visual elements as space is available"
"key": "DockPanel",
"val": "Dock elements via DockPannel.Dock"