dist.ini: Let's try AutoPrerequisites

CheatSheats: Zaahir didn't give himself credit
Zach Thompson 2015-04-10 14:22:41 -06:00
parent b7fc219555
commit 7da641f9c9
2 changed files with 3 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -12,100 +12,7 @@ main_module = lib/DDG/GoodieBundle/OpenSourceDuckDuckGo.pm
index = http://duckpan.org
module = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToDuckPAN
Time::Duration = 1.1
MIME::Base64 = 3.13
MIME::Types = 0
Roman = 1.23
Fortune = 0.2
Math::Int2Base = 1.00
Data::GUID = 0.046
IO::All = 0.44
File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir = 0.2.0
Text::FIGlet = 2.19.3
Text::Trim = 0
Text::Unidecode = 0.04
Date::Calc = 6.3
Date::Hijri = 0.02
Date::Jalali2 = 0.04
Date::Leapyear = 1.72
; Dates role, et. al.
DateTime = 0.74
DateTime::Format::HTTP = 0
Devel::StackTrace = 0
Package::Stash = 0
Try::Tiny = 0
Lingua::EN::Numericalize = 1.52
Lingua::PigLatin = 0.01
Lingua::JA::Moji = 0.34
Locale::SubCountry = 1.47
; causing problems because not pp: HTML::Barcode::QRCode = 0.09
Unicode::Char = 0.02
Number::UN = 0.002
Locale::Codes = 3.30
Gravatar::URL = 1.06
CGI = 3.60
Email::Valid = 1.192
Net::Domain::TLD = 1.70
Convert::Pluggable = 0.027
YAML = 0
Encode = 2.62
; ParseCron
Schedule::Cron::Events = 0
; ColorCodes
Color::Library = 0
Color::Mix = 0
Convert::Color = 0.08
Convert::Color::Library = 0.03
Convert::Braille = 0.05
Math::Round = 0.06
Convert::Morse = 0.05
Net::IDN::Encode = 2.003
Astro::MoonPhase = 0
Acme::rafl::Everywhere = 0.008
Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate = 1.02
; Hashes
Digest::SHA = 5.82
Digest::MD5 = 2.53
Digest::MD4 = 1.9
; Factors
Math::Prime::Util = 0.43
Games::Sudoku::Component = 0.02
Data::RandomPerson = 0.51
Lingua::EN::Words2Nums = 0
Locale::Currency::Format = 1.30
Net::IP = 0
Math::BaseConvert = 0
Telephony::CountryDialingCodes = 1.04
URI::Escape::XS = 0.12
DateTime::Calendar::Chinese = 1.00
DateTime::Event::Chinese = 1.00
DateTime::Event::Zodiac = 0
SVG = 2.59
Lingua::EN::Inflect = 1.895
DateTime::Event::Sunrise = 0
Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees = 0.09
Math::SigFigs = 1.09
Bit::Vector = 7.3
List::MoreUtils = 0
; FlipText
Text::UpsideDown = 1.22
; Parser BinaryLogic
Marpa::R2 = 0
; For pre-fetch Goodies only.
LWP::Simple = 0
Business::CUSIP = 1.03
Lingua::Any::Numbers = 0
; For Rc4
Crypt::RC4 = 2.02
[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::EOL = 0
Test::MockTime = 0
Test::More = 0.98
Test::Most = 0
Test::Dirs = 0.03
File::Temp = 0.22
run = mkdir -p share/goodie/meta

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ primary_example_queries 'universal help', 'universal cheat sheet', 'universal ex
code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/CheatSheets.pm';
category 'cheat_sheets';
topics qw'computing geek programming sysadmin';
attribution github => [zachthompson => 'Zach Thompson'];
attribution github => [zachthompson => 'Zach Thompson'],
github => [moollaza => 'Zaahir Moolla'];
triggers startend => (
'char', 'chars',